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    Ogre in the Playground

    Join Date
    Jan 2012

    Default The Way of Air

    Attribute: Perception.
    Source: V20 - Core Rulebook 449.

    Level 3 is a good combat debuf. Level 4 is a stylish and practical way to travel. Otherwise doesn’t seem very good.

    ⏺ Breath of Whispers. Discrete communication with a 1.5 km range, hear back responses. Doesn’t seem very useful in a modern setting. It takes until 4th dot of The Way of Spirit to (barely) increase range of this power.

    ⏺⏺ Biting Gale. Blizzard with up to 100m radius. Does 1 die bashing damage per turn, gives -2 dexterity penalty, halves movement speed. Lasts as long as concentration (only reflexive actions allowed). Effect is not very strong on its own but the long duration is nice. It would work nicely in combination with The Way of Spirit for like a Tzimiztsce defending their haven on top of a mountain (which doesn’t have much soil to use with The Path of Earth but has plenty of rocks which force dexterity checks).

    ⏺⏺⏺ Breeze of Lethargy. Wind in 60m radius for 2 rounds / success causes lethargy: must roll Stamina + Survival (DC 8) every 10 minutes. On failure die pools for physical actions and movement speed are halved. On botch the victim falls asleep / into light torpor for the scene.

    Duration is weird here. It lasts 2 rounds (or 6 seconds) per success so I don’t expect this could last more than 2 minutes. But the roll is made every 10 minutes of exposure. Probably something to clarify with your storyteller.

    It is a nice debuff to soften enemies before an encounter (which is easier if you have The Way of Spirit).

    ⏺⏺⏺⏺ Ride the Tempest. Move through open space at 400 kph as a wind. Neat. Seems like a good escape method (at least if you’re outdoors). You move fast and are hard to detect in transit. Presumably The Way of Spirit doesn’t apply to this power.

    ⏺⏺⏺⏺⏺ Tempest. Spend 1 willpower (in addition to usual 1 blood). It takes 6 success count hours for the storm to form. The storm lasts 1h per success. Exposure causes cold damage (1 die unsoakable/5 minutes), there is a lot of lightning. You can spend a willpower point and make a roll (perc + occult, dc 6) to direct lightning which causes 10 die lethal damage.

    This is slow to start. Unless you get 6+ successes on the activation roll (which is hard, even if you use Invoke the Greater Sign of Power ritual to lower DC of the roll to 6) it will take an hour or more. So it’s not very good for doing immediate damage. But it is useful if there is something you want destroyed in a few hours. Ability to direct lightning is nice. Still for a level 5 power which costs both blood and willpower to use and requires difficult roll to activate this seems underwhelming.
    Last edited by ahenobarbi; 2024-04-24 at 03:14 PM.