R3T17: Helena screams as its bites down upon her, barely clinging to consciousness she tries to heal the worst of the damage to stave of the bleeding, gaining a strong 11 healing.

R3T9: Grum gruffly listens to the screams and shouts a challenge, "Let her be, ye beast!" as he swings hard once with a crushing blow seeking to destroy the beast as fast as possible. He hits really hard against its strangely pliant body, but it doesn't quite penetrate.

End Round 3, Begin Round 4 ...

The monster then continues to crush Helena, this time for 24, and she goes limp in its maw.

R4T17-9: Helena, roll a stabilization check (a CON check, not a Fort save!

Grum, what do you do?

Spoiler: Battle Tracker

Mimic: 20. (27:77). GRAPPLING Helena w/o being grappled.
* MARKED by Grum w/ Essence-Bound Duty.
Helena: 17. Longsword & Buckler. GRAPPLED by Mimic! Sword stuck fast. DYING!!!
* Mage armor (5 hrs.). Fatigued.
Grum: 9. Shield of Faith (3 min). Hardlight axe in hand. RS.
