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    Ogre in the Playground

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    Aug 2013

    Default Re: Domino Quartz's Delightfully Quaint Random Banter Thread #248

    Quote Originally Posted by Batcathat View Post
    Spoiler: More Korra

    Yeah, I kind of agree about fiction having too many unnecessary romance subplots in general. I love a good romance as much as the next guy, but they frequently come off as rather uninspired (I do think the one between Korra and Asami work quite well because it's mostly implied and understated instead of devouring the plot). On a related note, I kinda hate how frequently close friendships (traditionally typically between a man and a woman, but now there are obviously more combinations on the table) seemingly has to turn into romance.

    On the topic of romance in LoK, I also quite enjoyed the part of the clip show that was basically just prince Wu and one of Mako's relatives roasting Mako for being so bad at relationships.
    Spoiler: Yet More Korra
    I agree that Korra & Asami works well! For the understated reason, but also because it feels like they actually bond over meaningful experiences. So many uninspired romances are just "well these two are the leads, so...*shrug*". Giving the characters chemistry and history together is huge.

    I adore close friendships in media. We don't get them nearly enough -- and whenever they do happen, the romance speculation is inescapable (looking at you, Sam-Is-Gay-For-Frodo jokes). One of my favorites is Gunnerkrigg Court.

    Spoiler: ...can you spoiler a spoiler? Gunnerkrigg Court
    Annie and Kat are best friends growing up, and even though one of them is revealed to be bi (lesbian? it's not 100% clear) further into the storyline, the comic never once even toys with the idea of romance between these two. I really appreciate that celebration of close friendship...plus, the series still doesn't erase WLW romance to do it! They have a lesbian/bi(?) main character in both a committed relationship and with a close female friend at the same time.
    Last edited by Ionathus; 2024-04-25 at 01:29 PM.