Quote Originally Posted by Arkhios View Post
...did anyone else pay attention to them referring to it as Revised Player's Handbook and not 5.5e?
(ok, I jest, now. I understand why people would consider it as such, and at this point, especially hearing them talk about the book, I'm starting to feel ok-ish about "5.5e" as an unofficial nickname. It's just hard for me personally to do so until WotC/D&D team acknowledge and name it as such; call it an OCD or whatever.
Honestly, at this point call it whatever you like. Speaking personally, just about any name works for me except "6e," it's not nearly different enough of an underlying "engine" for that - so I settled on 5.5e.

Quote Originally Posted by Millstone85 View Post
Does WotC even refer to 5e as 5e?
They have in a couple of recent videos IIRC.