Quote Originally Posted by Anonymouswizard View Post
My assumption with the logic is that you're not having the full can at once. Like a 500ml bottle of coke is two servings and I can see the logic of 'you have half at lunch and half a hour or two later' despite nobody doing that.
Bolding mine for emphasis, because that part is kind of important. If nobody does it, then it's made up by the company to make the numbers look better. For example, Otis Spunkmyer muffins, which have a serving size of half a muffin. It's gaming the stats so their numbers look better and the actual portion that you consume (eg a single can of coke, or a single muffin), which can reasonably be assumed to be one serving, are instead divided into multiple servings. For some things, that is understandable - for example, a 2L coke. Most likely, this is going to be consumed in glasses bu multiple people, or even by one person multiple times, and it's not unreasonable to say 2 liters consists of multiple servings for nutritional label aspects. However, a single 12oz can (350mL, for you islanders who just seemingly randomly switch between two measuring systems and then mock people who use the one you yourselves invented and still use)? Calling that anything more than one serving is the company being disengenuous for marketing purposes.

And you know what? Even if you disagree, my proposed fix is still a good idea - have the nutritional information contain both serving size and total packaged content. Can of coke? Call the serving whatever the hell you want, still need to put the full numbers on it. Same for the muffin container, or the Tic Tac box, or the 2L bottle, or the 3-pack of salsa, or.....

It wouldn't be perfect, but ir would be a damned sight better, and would make it significantly more difficult for corporations to obscure or manipulate the numbers.