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Thread: What the Stranger Knows.

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    Bugbear in the Playground
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    Default Re: What the Stranger Knows.

    The two privies, one at each end, are empty. Each have a small window to let in light, but it doesn't open. Nothing looks tampered with.

    Fenris approaches the closest valet, ”Are you capable of answering a yes or no question?”

    The valet from Ignacius and the azer's room, a monodron called Orb, nodded its body up and down in what was clearly a "yes"

    "Is there anyone else in the room you were in?”

    It points to the azer and to Ignacius.

    Fenris nods his acknowledgment as he waits for his answer.
    He thinks to himself , what the heck. ”Did you see either of them kill this man?” as he points to the dead man on the floor.

    The modron shakes its head "no".

    Nodding again Fenris asks ”Can you lie?”

    The modron shrugs.

    Chuckling to himself ”Fair enough.”. He will repeat the same questions to the other valets

    The valet that was serving Ethlynn (Bot), only shrugs to every question put to it. Vern's valet, Higglesworth, keeps pointing to itself, not matter what question is asked.
    Last edited by agignac; 2024-04-26 at 10:49 AM.
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