Quote Originally Posted by Lorddenorstrus View Post
I don't think this is true, because otherwise they wouldn't have needed to add "this doesn't stack" to the abilities. Other than to prevent it from stacking by specifically stating it. Prior to PF the untyped bonuses weren't +wisdom it seems to be from the wording. Just "class ability X number" is the bonus as it's untyped and so long as the abilities are not the same ability. Irregardless of what stat they source their # from they would stack per "untyped bonuses stack that aren't the same ability." Not the same source, the same ability. Pathfinder specifically seems to be trying to change it from the Class ability as the source to "ability modifier" being the source. Which, for the sake of game balance is probably the better perspective numerically. But for say, RAW? I don't believe so if I'm reading correctly.


PF and 3.5s Monks both have the same wording of "add Wisdom bonus" as in the # not specifically stating "add Wisdom Modifier." Which I find interesting. Because come Oracle PF words it "You may add your Charisma modifier, instead of your Dexterity modifier," Specifically stating Modifier. Which would make the AC tally be 10 + x x x + Dex modifier. If oracle that line becomes + Cha modifier. Why do the monks not state modifier? Considering it's an Untyped Class ability and the wording it looks more like the bonus would be the Untyped Class ability itself as Source with the # being changed per a modifier + a flat attachment for class level.

If it wasn't for PFs FAQ intentionally trying to straighten out the ambiguity I would actually think it'd stack in PF to tbh unless they have a different rule specifically for how untyped bonuses stack.
The reason they state "bonus" over modifier is so that it won't add a negative modifier. Bonuses are always positive. Modifiers can be negative or positive.