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Thread: Make a food cart?

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    Bugbear in the Playground
    Malphegor's Avatar

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    May 2018

    Default Re: Make a food cart?

    I forget if it's dmg2 or phb2 but one of those two (and I gotta go to work in like 10 minutes so I can't book dive for a bit today) has the business rules.

    Food cart probably counts as a Service or Tavern (albeit a low scale one), rather than a solid property you get it as a horse and cart (from dim memory that's 2,000gp), and your initial region is in the wilderness so it should be pretty cheap in initial startup capital (covering your taxes, bribes, etc to start a legitimate business) but at a penalty to your profit check. Starting in civilisation costs more but also boosts your profit check
    As a mobile business starting in the wilderness then... just moving your horse and cart into town works out economically better (a sensible dm might suggest you pay the difference to be able to trade in civilised town's limits)

    Be sure to pump up your Profession skill (probably Cook or Merchant depending on the style) and when you find enough gold coming in employ steadily better quality specialists to boost the Profit check each month
    Last edited by Malphegor; 2024-04-29 at 10:17 AM.