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Thread: What the Stranger Knows.

  1. - Top - End - #114
    Ogre in the Playground

    Join Date
    Aug 2012

    Default Re: What the Stranger Knows.

    Ennius nods to Fenris to indicate that he should be the one taking care of the searching while he continues to question the drow. "Oh, and I'm afraid they won't be the last, questions, that is," the sylvan scholar warns, gesturing for the subject of his interrogation to take a seat as he sits down on the murdered man's bed, "as you may have guessed, Ethlynn, if you are indeed innocent, it is likely you were the last to see Quintus alive. Of course, I don't need to tell you that your proximity to him also makes you a prime suspect."

    "I'm not telling you this to intimidate you," the warlock continues, producing paper and a quill for note-taking. Only partially true. While Ennius keeps his tone calm and charming, if her being nervous means she's more likely to divulge things she wouldn't normally, he'll be happy to take advantage of it. "But to stress that anything you can tell us is potentially important. And if we can identify who the murderer is, nobody except them will have to see the inside of the cell. Like you said, very inconvenient. So first, you both travel. What kind of travels did you talk about? Do you know why he was on this train? Where he was going?"
    Last edited by The Hellbug; 2024-04-29 at 11:40 PM.
    Coach and Owner of Hellbug's Heroes, Sneak Kings, Sultans of Slaughter, and Commercial Cast-Offs. Season II and III runner-up. Season IV league champion. Season VII division champion.