Quote Originally Posted by Rynjin View Post
Doesn't this technically NERF Stealth in a niche way? Now people with See Invisibility can still see you, as opposed to you being hidden from both mundane and supernatural sight.

It might be better off just poaching the Hide in Plain Sight wording from previous editions.

Which also serves the purpose of not turning the mundane into the supernatural in an attempt to make the mundane better, if that makes sense.

If you need "5e simplified text" for the ability, you could word it as such: "If you are standing in dim light or darkness, you may always attempt to take the Hide action even while being observed."
Hmm. There's two reasons I like using the invisible condition
1) it has a much more controllable and defined duration. In this case, it lasts one round at most. The idea being is this ability lets a character slip away or momentarily disappear, not indefinitely melt into the shadows.

2) "invisible" makes it clear that it is usable in combat, standing next to enemies. Hiding gets messy, IME. People start parsing what's "possible," and the ability stops working in predictable ways.