R1T18: Evaro's body seems to shatter like glass before reforming into a number of copies of himself. He advances towards the ghouls, and readies himself to strike should they approach.

R1T14: The one farther back (Red) scrambles around the western edge - giving a good birth to the chimney - to then close on Huseina with an angry screech.

R1T12: Azel the Vibrant moves up just past Torviruv before suddenly vanishing from sight.

R1T10: Green slashes apart the occultation, with that shadow dissipating and reforming around Aubrine. It takes a few guarded steps towards Evaro.

R1T9: Some scrambling sounds behind Evaro, followed by Azel's voice calling out, "I've stopped a...."

R1T7: Balazar astride Padrig rides into the southern part of the cavern.

"... a fell looking..."

R1T5: A taller (size Medium) ghoul appears out of a thin aperture to the west before rushing forth into the heroes' jumble.

"...man from continuing..."

R1T0: Dgia finally moves in to take a protective stance for her master, coughing some from the foul air. She gets into a fighting stance while creating a trident of electricity very quickly. She stabs the man's (Pink's) hand with her trident for 8 electricity.

"I'm fighting a creature that was once a man," she reports, for whatever good that means.

"...into your path."

End Round One, Begin Round 2 ...

Their occultation gone, Aubrine has much concerns much closer to their own body, as they now appear to be partly overcome. "What ... the smell is ... *gack* ... unbelievable! I don't understand ... this is a ghoul, not a ghast, it's cousin. Bite deals paralysis and ghoul fever as claws also paralyze."

They study the target and then attack, pushing Fusion Sword through a defensive arm and into its chest. The man-turned-ghoul turns to black ash even as it seems like there is combustion from within its body before the body falls apart, leaving a scorch mark behind. They then step away, off of the corpse's body

R2T23: "It's the little ones that smell so badly," says Deadeye. "I don't know what they are, but I know what they were ... goblins. You did just kill a former man, though."

She steps down the slight lip to the northeast and shoots at the stinky former-goblin (Red) with her pepperbox, a bullet ripping through its shin for 18, nearly taking its leg off.

R2T20: Torviruv moves up to Red and casts a spell using strange and ancient, guttural noises instead of the more rarified chanting you sometimes hear from modern mages. His hand glowing with radiance he reaches forward to grasp Red's lower arm. The radiance leaves Torviruv's hand and burns into the goblin, the hand and arm blackening first before the internal combustion carries through the rest of the creature and it, too, falls to ashes.

Looking smug, he says, "That's because the humans are ghouls, but the goblins are the more powerful ghasts. Stay away from them if you have a weak stomach like our poor aiuvaran."

R2T18: Evaro, what do you do?

Azel on deck, Green in the hole ...