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    Troll in the Playground
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    Default Re: Warhammer 40k Tabletop Thread XLIV - "Take a Shot of Paint Water"

    Quote Originally Posted by Cheesegear View Post
    Less than two days later...

    ...I literally ****ing called it!
    (Although to be fair, if you follow the meta at all, it's a fairly easy call to make.)

    The good news is that maybe the Grognards with 18 Leman Russes might actually start using them again. But Rogal Dorns didn't get touched. I haven't done the maths but I'm pretty sure RDs are still better. LRs are just...Less bad, but still not good.
    This is me! I'm excited to roll out ten tanks plus mechanised support!

    Once I redo my turrets, next week I'll be rolling out:


    • Tank Commander with Grand Strategist
    • 3 Eradicators
    • 3 Exterminators
    • 3 Vanquishers
    • 3 Squads of Catachans in Chimeras

    None of the Russes, except the Exterminators are great, but they do the job. I think the Eradicator is slept on, because firing in melee with all its guns is phenomenally good, especially when it's 50 points cheaper than a Demolisher. Vanquishers aren't great, but they are cheap, and if you've got three, they're semi-reliable.

    I'm just happy that I can squeeze in 13 armoured vehicles, and still have enough points for guys to jump onto objectives.
    Last edited by bluntpencil; 2024-04-30 at 09:42 PM.