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Thread: Strange dungeon

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    Ogre in the Playground

    Join Date
    Feb 2017

    Default Re: Strange dungeon

    Brakq doesn't need to concern himself with getting damaged, because the combined efforts of Faith, Gina and probably a sizable morale boost from the kitty the heavy guard falls down too.

    A heavy silence falls down on the room, only interrupted by the clacking of Asfaloth hoofs.

    Spoiler: Chests
    They have your equipment inside and are unlocked.

    Spoiler: Guards
    The guards all wear Studded Leather armor, the one from the big one is masterwork but also pretty big. They all have masterwork clubs that 2 times per day, can deal 3d6 Lightning damage (Fort DC 13 for half). You can freely decide to deal subdual damage with this clubs without getting a penalty.

    Together they also have (3d20)[32] Silver coins.
    (1d20)[15] Gold coins.
    A Mug with 5 dice.
    A bottle filled with mint liqour.
    And an unsent letter to a wife (Gerlinde)

    Spoiler: Letter from one guard

    Hi Gerlinde,

    how are you? I'm fine.

    I don't know how the weather is, being underground and all, I'm sure you can have a bit more weather with you serving in the temple of 'Our Pain Devouring Lady That Brings Utter Suffering?'

    It's just that great being a guard and being evil, normally when you're a henchman you just get downed by some goody-two-shoes paladin, like in my last appointment, I really thought that Wraith-Priest would take better care of us.

    But it doesn't matter I can annoy my coworkers and call it discipline, we got a kitty in our last shipment and I'm being sure to kick it later, I can just call it testing!

    Hope you had a nice sacrifice weekend.

    In backstabbing love,

    Spoiler: Loot
    Money will probably play a role later.

    Spoiler: Map
    Last edited by Alhallor; 2024-05-03 at 02:58 AM.
    Quote Originally Posted by Ridai View Post
    No no no, not speaking while fighting. Speaking with the fighting!

    That rabite monk dive-blobbing you in the face, followed by hooking teeth into your belt and suplexing you is a woefully poorly understood way of remarking on how nice the weather is.