Quote Originally Posted by LeSwordfish View Post
Inspired by some of the fiction and Crusade Rules in the T'au book, I'm going to do a little modelling project that's been on my mind for a while - a water caste Diplomatic Corps. I think that's a super interesting aspect of the Tau, their non-combat relationships with the other races, and I don't yet have any modelled objective markers, so I'd like to put together some objective markers to represent imperial/tau/other race's dignitaries that need to be rescued/controlled/captured. (There's also a specific crusade objective asking for these).

I've got a line on some third party Water Caste models, and also want to see if I can fit these two chaps on to one 40mm base, representing a diplomat and his unimpressed space marine bodyguard.

I've also got a kitbashed Prophagandist tau with a camera (like the very old short story), so that's three bases worth of stuff (assuming the Water Caste go on one base together). Anyone got any suggestions for any other models that would work? I think generally i'm looking for calm poses without drawn weapons (Amulius is getting an arm swap), specifically looking for Imperial, Votann, Kroot, etc. (I can't really picture Necron diplomats). Maybe the Blackstone Fortress navigator?

Third party interesting aliens of the right scale and vibe are also very welcome. If anyone knows where I can buy models or STLs for Earth Caste or Nicassar, too, let me know.
I think what I'm looking at now is:
  • Two Water Caste envoys.
  • A joakero and a third-party alien in a nice dress.
  • Amullius and the Griem attache.
  • One of the fancy sisters from the Triumph Of St Catherine as an Order Diagolus translator, and an old Inquisition Scribe.
  • The Tau Propagandist I kitbashed and his pet drones.

The House Griem man is sold out now it seems so that particular part is on hold, but all the other bits are in hand or on order.