Quote Originally Posted by Cheesegear View Post
I bought the Phobos Captain back in 8th Ed., when they were good.
So, so far in my Captains Project, we have a spend of $0. So far, so good.
For those who were wondering, 3 years is the official cut-off. Anything you bought more than 3 years ago counts as 'free'.

And "seasonal palettes" are wild. My significant other has tried to explain how it works. But then I find a different chart, and it's different.

[Colour Palette Second Opinion]
Whoever thought of Summer as being entirely pastels must live in a city and never, ever takes off their sunglasses. If you live in a real place, with flowers and animals and stuff, summer should look like Pop art.

Then again, I'm biased because I *like* Pop art. My minis would look like Borderlands characters, if I could be arsed with that many edges.