Quote Originally Posted by RdMarquis View Post
While we’re talking about Campaign Traits, are they open to…refluffing (for lack of a better word)? I was thinking of taking Love Lost to represent someone who was an apprentice to the same swordmaster as my PC. There is actually no love lost between them, my character believes Lamm sent him down the dark path he took to his death. He deserved better, or at least the chance to be better.
So rather than lover it would have been a rival type knifed? One that perhaps abandoned the path of the blade to become just another small-time thug, ultimately dead at an alley? I think that could work. It might motivate your character to be better than the other student, or their teacher set them to learn more. And get to the bottom of how he died.
The meta point of the campaign traits is to put the PC's on a warpath at Lamm. So long as that happens, I don't mind some details being changed.