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    Titan in the Playground
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    Jul 2011
    Oxford, UK

    Default Re: Warhammer 40k Tabletop Thread XLIV - "Take a Shot of Paint Water"

    That's come out as a really striking scheme! I definitely think it's worth doing a little something to the bases though, even just Astrogranite and a drybrush or something. It will make them look a lot more finished, and ground them in the world a lot better. At the moment I think the darkness of the bases runs the risk of, like, washing out the rest of the model? With a big blob of black making you miss some of the subtleties in the white-blue-grey.

    I got into a discussion with a friend about whether 40K is or isn't "stupid", and after countering a bunch of 3rd Ed. fluff (mostly concerning Orks because it always does because Orks were in actuality stupid before 4th Ed.), we got to something that I can't defend:

    It's possible to enter the Warp, and exit from before when you left. I can't recall an instance of this ever actually happening (look, I'm very aware of John Grammaticus...Just...Ergh...I can't right now), at least not in a way that matters. Like; I guess it might have happened at some point.
    Related to time travel, I think the closest thing to the "warp storms sending you back in time" thing is where Gaunt's Ghosts are jumped forward ten years or so. Ultimately I think it's the sort of thing that works better when it's nailed down as little as possible. I'm happy for it to stay in the background as noodle incidents and implications (and ideas for you to hang your own narrative on. Remember my heresy-era Death Guard who had to deal with Typhus and his daemon pals?

    Clearly Ordo Chronos meddling is how nobody knows where the female custodians came from.

    On an unrelated note, i've been reading The Infinite and The Divine. It's an incredible book, definitely up there with my favourite 40k books, maybe the best of the decade so far. (Up there with Saturnine and Echoes Of Eternity for me). Trazyn the Infinite and Orikan the Diviner bickering and sabotaging each other for milennia and bringing multiple civilisations to ruin as they do so.
    Last edited by LeSwordfish; 2024-05-07 at 04:06 PM.
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