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Thread: Curse of the Crimson Throne [PF1]

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    Halfling in the Playground

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    May 2009

    Default Re: Curse of the Crimson Throne [PF1]

    Now do I risk rolling for gold to get my chain shirt or do I settle for studded leather for now and grab a chain shirt first chance I get? Anyway here's Lily's sheet.

    And here's her Background
    Spoiler: Background
    Lily Rush was born and raised on the unforgiving streets of Korvosa, along with her younger sister Rose. After losing their parents at a tender age, it was Lily who took upon herself to protect and provide for the two of them. Growing up fast and hard under harsh conditions, Lily developed a tough exterior, hiding her soft heart beneath layers of sarcasm, rudeness, and impatience. Those fortunate enough to break through this rough façade found her to possess a sharp wit, genuine care towards others, and fierce loyalty to her friends. There was no question about it; Lily Rush was as far from a delicate lady as one could imagine – she was a true tomboy.

    Life had not been kind to the sisters, yet they managed to survive against all odds. While Lily honed her fists into deadly weapons, defending them from danger lurking around every corner, Rose displayed extraordinary talent in singing and painting. Recognizing her gift, the Temple of Shelyn offered her shelter and a chance to learn music and artistry within its sacred walls. Although torn between staying together and providing a better future for her sister, Lily eventually accepted the offer, knowing that life inside the temple would give Rose opportunities she never could. With a heavy heart, Lily watched her little sister walk away, praying that someday they might reunite.

    As time passed, Lily fell in with a retired mercenary named Aldous Stonehand, an Orc from Mwangi, whose battle scars bore testament to his storied past. Sensing potential in the fiery street urchin, Aldous decided to take Lily under his wing, teaching her various combat styles. Under his tutelage, she blossomed into a formidable fighter, specializing in brutal bare-knuckle boxing matches. To make ends meet, Lily resorted to participating in underground fights, quickly earning a reputation as an up-and-coming force in Korvosa's seedy underbelly. Her combative prowess did more than just pay the bills; it brought her attention from unexpected corners, including the occasional admiration of highborn men like William Highcastle, the charming (if somewhat roguish) illegitimate son of a local noble family. Their tumultuous romantic escapades became something of a legend among Korvosan society, though neither ever truly committed to each other.

    Just when things seemed to settle down for Lily, she received shattering news: Rose had vanished without a trace from the Temple of Shelyn. Panicked, Lily sought answers, learning that a gang of child thieves calling themselves "Lamm's Lambs" may have played a part in her disappearance. Desperate to save her sister from whatever fate befell her, Lily set out on a dangerous journey to track down these mysterious children. Armed with nothing but her quick mind, fearsome fists, and steadfast determination, Lily vowed to bring Rose home safely - no matter the cost.
    Last edited by Tom Foolery; 2024-05-07 at 10:38 PM.