Quote Originally Posted by LCP View Post
I like the idea that you'd look at something that gets really into the weeds of like, the Great Man theory of history, and whether at a big enough scale the actions of individuals can meaningfully change the future, and decide that that's what makes Warhammer 40K stupid. Not the Tolkien fantasy races in spaaaace, not the galaxy-spanning empire whose main use for its kilometre-long FTL ships is to ferry people to the surface of planets so they can reenact WW1 or have chainsaw sword fights, not the literal wizards. Like if you don't enjoy genre fiction playing fast and loose with wacky ideas like that, why would you touch any of this stuff? There is real 'hard' sci-fi out there you can read.
Right? 40k FTL functions by having ships go through The Daemon Dimension as a shortcut, but the part we should think is stupid is that it can potentially allow for time travel back into the past?

Honestly, resisting the idea that 40k as a setting is kind of stupid is also a bit of an odd one, considering that the stupid stuff comprisies a non-zero of what people seem to actually like about it.
I know this is annecdotal, but every time I've seen someone bring-up the Orks stuff it's not been as a dismissal it's, been because they think it's a fun idea.