R6T12: Aasgar sets his footing and decides it's best to eliminate the foe in front of him and then move on to the main baddie, striking Bramble-1 and destroying it.

R6T10: Galakhar stabs the brambleblight in a major sap transfer point for 20 + 1 bleed. The brambleblight's thorns scratch at Galakhar, but don't penetrate his new rocky hide.

R6T9: Cici flies in close and acrobatically, concentrates on a spell, and blasts the upper parts of the brambleblight with a jet of flame that it partially ducks for 5 fire.

End Round 6, Begin Round 7 ...

The main brambleblight takes 1 bleed and swings around to attack Cici, but she flies around both attacks. Bramble-2 swings wildly where Ivilva's voice was last heard. Bramble-3 misses Galakhar who turns around and riposte's under the blow and destroying it. Bramble-4 appears to Aasgar to the west.

R7T17: Abenor crits the brambleblight and destroys it, and the animated brambles all shatter and fall, though are still moving impediments.

Combat Ends!

As soon as the last bit of animated bramble falls, there is a blast of green energy that washes over the heroes, healing all of their wounds. (Not including Phaevin ... who is not wounded, but dead.)