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Thread: Folding@Home

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    Dwarf in the Playground

    Join Date
    May 2005

    Post Re: Folding@Home

    Giant in the Playground Folding Team Update (#1)

    After a week our team is now ranked 16,577th!
    Our progress can be seen at
    And once we reach the top 2000, our team will start being partially tracked by another statistics site, and fully tracked once we hit the top 800.

    The GitP folding team has passed the 5,000 point mark!

    Welcome to all the members that have contributed in its first week: adanedhel9, Archonic_Energy, Beaudoin, Bitzeralisis, Castaras, Dennis_Callesen, DoIhaveaname, Faust, Frizzlefryd, gaelbert, Heidee_LadyOfTheStick, Jackie, Khaldan, marcus, Philip_Stella, Pyro, Samiam303, tannish2 and zargon!.

    DoIhaveaname and Frizzlefryd, the points you have received indicated that there is a problem with your system or an incompatibility with the graphic client and your graphics. If your computer is overclocked, try decrease the overclock first. Otherwise, consider another client such as the console client (ask me if you need help on that).

    Next week's update will include team member progress and milestones reached, as well as any folding news that I know of. Let me know what you think about the update and what other sections you'd like to see!
    Last edited by Zargon; 2007-08-19 at 07:25 AM.