Quote Originally Posted by faerwain View Post
But I take pride in still liking Christmas Time, so let's do a simultanous "Bfffffffffttttt"" at stupid ex-girls
Well that's a bit rude to the F-to-M transsexual persons of below-average IQ

Alas, another mildly disappointing, though well-meant, gift from my family Smelly (literally, not just my usual insult) candles. Three orange-smelling ones in glass bulbs and a box of some other square sort. Smelly stuff: The stuff you get for girls when you don't know what to get them. On the other hand, my Aunty Nell told me, with regards to the remote control dragonfly I got for my cousin, that "When we talk about who buys the best presents, (Serpentine) is always at the top of the list!", so that was nice. I'm thinking that through next year, I'll just start writing a list of anything that catches my fancy to send to whoever's buying for me next, so at least I should get something I'll enjoy.
I'd like to stress again that it's not so much that "the bastards didn't get me what I wanted!" as "oh dear, they really don't know me, do they? "