Quote Originally Posted by CurlyKitGirl View Post
The infamous Messiah has also declared war on those who follow and read the Cat-Muffinmicon on the grounds that sentient food is some of the best food to eat. The Messiah will personally meet Jibar, the self-proclaimed Leader of the Cat-Muffins next week at Castle Aaaaaaaargh. The French Kniggits will provide the Honour Guard for both parties.
However, both parties have declared Math? illegal and it is possible they will come to a mutually beneficient agreement.
This just in.
Jibar and the Messiah have reached an agreement. While sentient food is delicious, it's also very hard to justify ethically and so new laws have been passed that ban sentient food from complaining. Cat-Muffins are however exempt from this law because, in the words of Jibar, "We'd **** you up big time buddy."
The meeting would have gone on to solving world peace, but then a bunch of Fraggloths came running in and it was decided that before anyone could lose some SAN that they should get the hell out. Apparantly somebody left a tip, but if it turns out nobody did then we're never eating there again.
Now, over to you Dr. Doom.

Thank you Dylan the Temp Guy.
And in a related story, I know what happens at the end of Lost. Why don't you?

(My philosophy paper went great by the way. I got a little too nervous and panicy though and now I feel kinda sick)