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Thread: GitP Chats?

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    Colossus in the Playground
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    Jun 2006
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    Default Re: GitP Chats?

    Quote Originally Posted by B-Man View Post
    Serpentine, Zakama: The AIM chat has been private for several reasons. It was only public domain when it was known as ootschat and that was during the Forum Swap of '06.
    You mean because people couldn't be bothered just using the "block" button or better yet, talking things out like reasonable people? If it's a private thing for Ego and her friends, then, well, I might not leave that one completely but that's not what I wanted.

    People wanting to chat to anyone, not just special invited folk: In your AIM program of choice, invite whoever you like, including yourself, to ootschat. That's all you need to do to start a chat, and going with something simple like that helps. I'd start it myself but I'm going to bed.
    edit: And if you decide to be an excessive pain, be prepared to 1. realise that the rules of the forum don't apply there, only those of common courtesy and ettiquette, 2. be blocked, or 3. have the whole thing moved on you. If it's possible to actually kick people out, you might get that too, but I don't think it is.
    Ego, if that's your private chat room, maybe you should just start one called "egochat" or something.
    Last edited by Serpentine; 2008-06-25 at 10:55 AM.