Quote Originally Posted by CurlyKitGirl View Post
Heck, and my normal opinions - strawberries are one of the most delicious foods on earth; diachronic history is bloody amazing and more people should read books more than one hundred years old - can be as controversial as my other ones to people.
I agree with all of those if that helps.
I've been censured for "people should think for themselves", "a vegetarian who eats fish is not a vegetarian, for fish are animals" and "if you left your motorcycling gloves on the ground in Eastbourne, why on Earth did you drive all the way home on your motorbike without gloves and then all the way back? Why didn't you just turn around, save yourself the journey and the danger to your hands, and consequently meet up with the rest of us on time?"

Quote Originally Posted by CurlyKitGirl View Post
Eragon didn't even register to me. It was so bland, and yet so offensive it cancelled itself out and became a non-entity.
On the other hand: *high fives!*
I'm not alone! Harry Potter annoyed me, than it bugged me, and then nothing happened for an entire 600-page long book! I gave up after book six.
The only thing one needs to know from that book is that SNAPE KILLS DUMBLEDORE.
Book five was even blander than book seven though. I cannot remember more from it than "Sirius gets killed in the Wizard Parliament or whatever, and Hagrid chills out with a giant now", which for a book that size is very, very poor.
Eragon though - so, so, so ridiculous and cliched and hypocritical and unintentionally morally horrific, and crammed with purple prose and the incorrect use of a thesaurus. Who'd have thought Star Wars in Middle-earth could have turned out so utterly badly?

Quote Originally Posted by CurlyKitGirl View Post
There will be fun. Hopefully.
And it'll prolly rain as well. It being practically October, and us having made plans.
But of course; sod's law always triumphs in the end.

I'm being attacked by a rather large hornet at the moment. It's September for goodness' sake! Shouldn't they be dead by now?

Plus, I can't load my latest audiovisual experiment on YouTube on my computer at the moment, so I have no idea at the moment if my attempt to master widescreen worked or not.