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    Troll in the Playground
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    Default Warring states of Ashtara

    Welcome to the OOC thread for the warring states of Ashtara campaign, a campaign using 3.5 and the SRWD20 3rd party supplement. Below is a basic introduction to the world, as well as the rules for character creation.

    Spoiler: the empire of Ashtara

    The empire of Ashtara was once a peaceful and prosperous area, the region’s many kingdoms all answering to noble and wise emperors of the Tyrna dynasty. However, as time went by, discontent started to grow, small conflicts started to brew and the emperor ceded ever more power to scheming advisors in the name of guaranteeing stability and peace.

    This all came to a head when emperor Adrastia Tyrna died mere months after the birth of her first child and heir. The emperor’s husband took the throne, but he promptly died as well to a sudden disease, though many claimed he had in fact been poisoned. The highest ranking advisors and ministers then feuded over the throne, and the feud soon escalated in military conflict with the minister’s factions clashing. These factions themselves whoever soon splintered as well as feuds between individual kingdoms escalated into conflict, and soon everyone was fighting for their own survival, all semblance of a once unified empire lost.

    This all happened 25 years ago.

    Spoiler: Current affairs and factions

    The empire has remained splintered ever since, though gradually three main factions have arisen, though these factions taken together control less than half the kingdom, with many areas still independent and fighting amongst themselves.

    These factions are the restorationist Crimson Throne imperial alliance, the reformist Jade Wyvern confederacy and the revolutionist Golden falcons.

    The Crimson Throne imperial alliance intends to restore the empire as it was, with their leader, Markos Varian as the new emperor. Their promise of restoring the days of old has gotten them quite a few allies among the nobility and they currently control the largest area, but not by much. As many allies as Markos has, he has as many bitter enemies, who see him as nothing more than pretender to the throne, and worse, one of the reasons things got so bad to start with, as Markos was the minister of defense under the last Tyrna emperor, and the only advisor to the emperor to survive the initial years of war.

    The Jade Wyvern confederacy is a coalition of kingdoms intending on restoring peace to their continent, not by restoring the empire but by brining together a new form of government, where all nobles have a say in matters. They’re the second biggest of the three main factions and, crucially, currently hold the capital of the empire, though their hold is far from secure. They are characterized by the fact that they have a number of brilliant strategists among their military leadership, but unfortunately they never actually seem to agree on one overall strategy, brilliant maneuvers and feints getting undermined by snarled logistics as every one of these visionaries tries to push in a different direction.

    The Gold Falcons meanwhile started as an uprising of peasants. They have discarded the old trappings of nobility altogether, instead aspiring to a system resembling a modern democracy. Though the area they control is relatively small compared to that of the other two main factions, they have many sympathizers among the common people and, interestingly enough, possess advanced weapons beyond what anyone else on the continent possesses. Rumor has it that they are being supported by an empire to the west, from across the ocean.

    Spoiler: Mechs

    Mechs are rare but devastating combat weapons. Most kingdoms have at least one, but it is rare for any but the largest to be able to field more than half a dozen. This is not because constructing more mechs is beyond their means, as though the magitech construction of mechas is expensive, it is a well understood art at this point, and it is not unusual for a kingdom to have more mechs than pilots.

    The issue in fact lies with the pilots themselves. It requires an incredibly strong will to pilot a mech, and this potential is very rare, though it is something that seems to occur more often in certain blood lines. A kingdom's rulers are often from a bloodline with a strong will, and it is rare for there to be no pilots in any given generation. Outside these bloodlines it is nearly unheard of for someone to have the potential required to master control of a mech.

    However, a new type of mech has recently been spotted fighting alongside forces associated with the golden falcons. Crude, slow and clumsy compared to the elegant mechas fielded by the noble houses, these weapons are fielded in such numbers that it is believed that anyone could pilot them. Their designs also appear to be almost entirely bereft of magic, using gears, pistons and what appear to be steam boilers for their movements.

    Spoiler: character building

    allowed sources: all 1st party DnD 3.5 material
    SRWD20: , but no classes that get battleships or einst queen.
    Other 3rd party stuff is approved on a case by case basis. Touhou battle grimoire has already been approved as requested by one of the players:

    starting level is 10, gestalt, but you can only have a pilot class on one side.
    you have standard wealth by level
    HP is max for first level, average rounded up for all others
    you get two bonus skill points for background skills
    ability scores are generated by point buy, with 36 points available.
    additionally, you get one of these two boons:
    Spoiler: Master strategist

    You're master strategist. this gives you the following benefits:
    -you gain an additional two skill points per level
    -you get feats using the pathfinder progression instead of the dnd 3.5 progression (every odd level instead of every 3 levels)
    -You gain the 'always prepared' and 'brilliant planner' abilities

    Brilliant planner
    You can prepare a special contingency plan for an upcoming mission or operation. Makin such a plan takes at least 4 hours, but you may voluntarily spend more time to make your plan.

    At any time during the mission, you can declare that your plan is coming into play, and you reveal what it is. The plan needs to be something you could have enacted in the time you took to prepare the plan. A fairly simple plan (like having placed a trap in your current battlefield if it is somewhere easily accessible or having a small cache of gear set up somewhere ahead of time) will just happen as you declare it. A more complicated or risky plan (like bribing a high-ranking enemy to have joined your side in advance, or having a critical piece of enemy gear malfunction because you sabotaged it in advance) will require a small scene to be played out with some dice rolls to see if you succeed, and if you fail, the brilliant plan is wasted or has a reduced effect.

    Always prepared
    You can prepare for future contingencies without defining what those preparations are until they are relevant. As a part of this preparation, while in a settlement for at least 24 hours, you can take 8 hours and spend up to 100 gp per character level, which becomes your preparation fund. While you have a brilliant plan pending, you are always treated as carrying 20 additional pounds of weight, even before you define your preparations.

    Once per day, you can take a standard action to make use of your preparations, withdrawing an item that would have been available in a settlement you visited or procuring a mundane service that your character planned ahead of time. Once you enact the plan, subtract the price of the item or service from this feat’s fund. Any item procured must weigh 10 pounds or less. Likewise, the GM must approve any non-magical service you gain by using this feat as being appropriate for the location selected.

    Once you have spent all the money in your preparation fund or procured 20 pounds of objects with this feat, you cannot use the feat again until you replenish your brilliant plan fund.

    You can also use this ability to add a weapon or accessory to your mech of a tier you can access, provided it has enough arsenal space left, or an open accessory slot. This ability costs 100 gp per tier of the weapon or accessory.

    Spoiler: Dragon blooded

    Your family has dragon-blood in their veins, and it gives you a measure of their power.
    -at first level you gain the least dragonmark feat, and you can pick any true dragonmark, irrespective of your race
    -at 3rd level and every three levels afterwards you gain a bonus dragonmark-relared feat (any feat that has having a dragonmark as a prerequisite)
    -your mech has special modifications, so you can always use the abilities gained from your dragonmarks while piloting your mech.
    -you gain a third 'track' to your gestalt, but it can only be used to gain levels in the PrC associated with your dragonmark (see 'eberron- dragonmarked').

    I would like each character to have a background that answers the following questions. We can work this out together to fit everything neatly into the world.
    1. Why does your character fight/what motivates your character?
    2. What kind of future are you trying to build
    3. Who are your character’s closest friends and allies? (in-depth info on at least two other still living NPC’s and their relationship to your character, and general overview on any others, such as family)
    4. Who are your characters enemies? (in-depth info on at least two other still living NPC’s or organizations and their relationship to your character)
    5. What are things your character wouldn’t do/what kind of actions by others would your character consider unforgiveable?

    Spoiler: further information

    The players will be in possession of mechs, and therefore represent a significant military force. The exact details of how they came by this force are to be decided based on background, and the players have a lot of freedom with what they will do. With the current state of the world there is always interest in well-armed mercenaries, but the players could try and forge a faction of their own, or join one of the three major factions as well.

    The more futuristic gear and weapons from SRWD20 will be presented as magitech to fit the world.
    Last edited by DeTess; 2024-05-30 at 03:44 AM.
    Jasnah avatar by Zea Mays

  2. - Top - End - #2
    Ogre in the Playground
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    Default Re: Warring states of Ashtara

    Hi, interested in playing. I asked Curtis if it would be ok to Combine
    Psycho Pilot with Marksman. I had Curtis pm you the link for it. It's the 3.5 version of the class. Not the pathfinder one.

  3. - Top - End - #3
    Troll in the Playground
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    Default Re: Warring states of Ashtara

    If by combine you mean 'take one at each side of the gestalt track' yes, that's fine.
    Jasnah avatar by Zea Mays

  4. - Top - End - #4
    Ogre in the Playground
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    Default Re: Warring states of Ashtara

    Ah I just more mean I wanted to use them like that

    I also dug through the 3.5 Marksman and it's lacking a bit of polish than the pathfinder one. So could I just take the pathfinder version of marksman and revert the skills to 3.5?

  5. - Top - End - #5
    Troll in the Playground
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    Default Re: Warring states of Ashtara

    Quote Originally Posted by Nightraiderx View Post
    Ah I just more mean I wanted to use them like that

    I also dug through the 3.5 Marksman and it's lacking a bit of polish than the pathfinder one. So could I just take the pathfinder version of marksman and revert the skills to 3.5?
    Revert the skills to 3.5 and take the 3.5 psionics and powers, not the pathfinder ones and it's fine.
    Jasnah avatar by Zea Mays

  6. - Top - End - #6
    Ogre in the Playground
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    Default Re: Warring states of Ashtara

    Alright, noted.

  7. - Top - End - #7
    Bugbear in the Playground
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    Default Re: Warring states of Ashtara

    Just checking in.
    ~Thanks to AsteriskAmp for the Illya Avatar!~

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    Bugbear in the Playground
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    Default Re: Warring states of Ashtara

    Would you be okay with me applying this to mech weapons? It's a bit more damage so I could understand if not.

    Finesse and cunning have their place, but to some evokers, there is no expression of power truer to their hearts than simply flattening an opponent with sheer brute force. Devices manifesting this effect are, as one might expect, outlandishly large and heavy - the exact aesthetics are quite variable, but oversized devices are nearly always styled to emphasize their raw power. When imbued with motes, the device often manifests additional weighty trappings to aid in battering enemies into submission.

    Effect: The evoker’s device deals additional damage with attacks equal to its base weapon damage - thus, a device that normally deals 1d8 damage now deals 2d8 damage. Additionally, the weight of the device increases by x10. The evoker may ignore this increase in weight for the purpose of determining her encumbrance.

    Essence Boost: For every 2m invested in this device effect, the evoker gains a +1 bonus on trip and bull rush attempts. If at least 6m are invested in this effect, the evoker may use these maneuvers against opponents of any size, and no longer needs to move with her target when bull rushing if she wishes to push them the full distance. If at least 12m are invested in this effect, the evoker may make a free trip or bull rush attempt against a target whenever she deals at least 20 damage with a single weapon attack. For every size category her target is above medium, the required damage increases by +20.

    Cartridge Boost: Whenever the evoker successfully trips an opponent, she may expend a cartridge to temporarily amplify the weight of her device to impossible levels, trapping her opponent beneath its mass. The target is pinned, as if from a grapple. Escaping this pin requires a standard action, and a successful strength or dexterity check, opposed by the evoker's strength check - the evoker receives a +2 bonus on this check. Unlike a normal grapple, the evoker may not use her device for anything else, but is otherwise unrestricted in her actions. If the target escapes, this effect immediately ends - otherwise, it ends after a number of rounds equal to the champion's Charisma modifier.
    ~Thanks to AsteriskAmp for the Illya Avatar!~

  9. - Top - End - #9
    Troll in the Playground
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    Default Re: Warring states of Ashtara

    Quote Originally Posted by YuweaCurtis View Post
    Would you be okay with me applying this to mech weapons? It's a bit more damage so I could understand if not.

    Finesse and cunning have their place, but to some evokers, there is no expression of power truer to their hearts than simply flattening an opponent with sheer brute force. Devices manifesting this effect are, as one might expect, outlandishly large and heavy - the exact aesthetics are quite variable, but oversized devices are nearly always styled to emphasize their raw power. When imbued with motes, the device often manifests additional weighty trappings to aid in battering enemies into submission.

    Effect: The evoker’s device deals additional damage with attacks equal to its base weapon damage - thus, a device that normally deals 1d8 damage now deals 2d8 damage. Additionally, the weight of the device increases by x10. The evoker may ignore this increase in weight for the purpose of determining her encumbrance.
    This would only be applied to a single chosen weapon, right? Some mech weapons roll a lot of dice, so just straight up doubling it feels a bit much. How about letting it affect mech weapons, but only adding at most two dice (maybe more at later levels, like half weapon tier at most or something like that).

    Quote Originally Posted by YuweaCurtis View Post
    Essence Boost: For every 2m invested in this device effect, the evoker gains a +1 bonus on trip and bull rush attempts. If at least 6m are invested in this effect, the evoker may use these maneuvers against opponents of any size, and no longer needs to move with her target when bull rushing if she wishes to push them the full distance. If at least 12m are invested in this effect, the evoker may make a free trip or bull rush attempt against a target whenever she deals at least 20 damage with a single weapon attack. For every size category her target is above medium, the required damage increases by +20.
    This is fine, but I might increase the damage threshold of the final effect. I want to see it in play before making any adjustments.
    Quote Originally Posted by YuweaCurtis View Post
    Cartridge Boost: Whenever the evoker successfully trips an opponent, she may expend a cartridge to temporarily amplify the weight of her device to impossible levels, trapping her opponent beneath its mass. The target is pinned, as if from a grapple. Escaping this pin requires a standard action, and a successful strength or dexterity check, opposed by the evoker's strength check - the evoker receives a +2 bonus on this check. Unlike a normal grapple, the evoker may not use her device for anything else, but is otherwise unrestricted in her actions. If the target escapes, this effect immediately ends - otherwise, it ends after a number of rounds equal to the champion's Charisma modifier.
    This is fine.
    Jasnah avatar by Zea Mays

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    Bugbear in the Playground
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    Default Re: Warring states of Ashtara

    I agree to those terms, the weapon I was intending to use right now is only two dice anyways (GN Beam Saber, 2d12).
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    Bugbear in the Playground
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    Default Re: Warring states of Ashtara

    Reposting my answers so others can see.

    1. Why does your character fight/what motivates your character?

    He fights for his clan to regain its lost prestige and to gain foothold where it can live comfortably.

    2. What kind of future are you trying to build

    Help create a united Kingdom

    3. Whoa re your character’s closest friends and allies? (in-depth info on at least two other still living NPC’s and their relationship to your character, and general overview on any others, such as family)

    Parents - Deceased, either in direct confrontation or w/e drama that caused his family to be dishonored

    Uncle - Leader of his family branch, an Ace Pilot in his own right.

    Sister - Younger, nifty with _______

    Best Friend - Fellow pilot

    4. Who are your characters enemies? (in-depth info on at least two other still living NPC’s or organizations and their relationship to your character)

    Those that killed his parents.
    Rival house.

    5. What are things your character wouldn’t do/ what kind of actions by others would your character consider unforgiveable?

    Betrayal, attacking defenseless creatures.
    Last edited by YuweaCurtis; 2024-05-31 at 12:47 PM.

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    Troll in the Playground
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    Default Re: Warring states of Ashtara

    Right, as I mentioned we might need to do some minor adjustments here, as previously we set you up with several NPC's capable of support in combat, but with another PC there is less need for that. But we'll see what nightraiderx comes with first.
    Jasnah avatar by Zea Mays

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    Bugbear in the Playground
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    Default Re: Warring states of Ashtara

    Of course!
    ~Thanks to AsteriskAmp for the Illya Avatar!~

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    Titan in the Playground
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    Default Re: Warring states of Ashtara

    Hello again, DeTess! It's been a long time. I'm looking forward to gaming with you again. I had a lot of fun last game. I have a couple questions if its alright to jump right into it!

    What races are available? How strange fits the setting? I was thinking about playing a catgirl. Would nuhuman work for that? Curtis suggested Kasha. Catfolk has a painful +1, and I'd like to avoid LA.

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    Troll in the Playground
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    Default Re: Warring states of Ashtara

    Quote Originally Posted by Elbeyon View Post
    Hello again, DeTess! It's been a long time. I'm looking forward to gaming with you again. I had a lot of fun last game. I have a couple questions if its alright to jump right into it!

    What races are available? How strange fits the setting? I was thinking about playing a catgirl. Would nuhuman work for that? Curtis suggested Kasha. Catfolk has a painful +1, and I'd like to avoid LA.
    So, on a pure demographics level humans and half-human hybrids (half-elves, half-orcs, to a lesser extent races like Tieflings and numans) are the most common, with enclaves of dwarves, elves and orcs not that uncommon. However, those with the strength of will needed to pilot a mech tend to be quite unusual, so there's no reason here not to pick a more unusual race. Just keep in mind that you'll stand out a bit more.

    Kasha are definitely an option as well. You'd stand out a little, but probably less so than an orc or dwarf, especially if you hid your traits a little (hats and stuff). Though of course there are plenty of situations where standing out is not an issue.
    Jasnah avatar by Zea Mays

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    Titan in the Playground
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    Default Re: Warring states of Ashtara

    Are we set on any faction at the start?

  17. - Top - End - #17
    Ogre in the Playground
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    Default Re: Warring states of Ashtara

    So, there was a power I was hoping to utilize in my mech called boost, it's a swift action power that allows you to fire the relevant ammunition (bolt, arrow or pellet)
    As if using the weapon (short bow, light crossbow, sling). it's 1 extra power point to increase that to something like a heavy crossbow or a long bow.

    How do I resolve that while in a mech? Does the damage scale? I'm not sure what weapons would be an equivalent to a crossbow how should I go about getting the right
    base weapon in order to utilize this power for my Mech?

    Edit: I've been looking at built in weapons of a super robot, can I have those count as crossbows for feats? says the type of actual weapon those use are up to the player's decision.
    Last edited by Nightraiderx; 2024-05-31 at 11:28 PM.

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    Troll in the Playground
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    Default Re: Warring states of Ashtara

    Quote Originally Posted by Elbeyon View Post
    Are we set on any faction at the start?
    I have no intention of forcing you in one to start with, but if you all really like one I can have you start with them of course.

    Quote Originally Posted by Nightraiderx View Post
    So, there was a power I was hoping to utilize in my mech called boost, it's a swift action power that allows you to fire the relevant ammunition (bolt, arrow or pellet)
    As if using the weapon (short bow, light crossbow, sling). it's 1 extra power point to increase that to something like a heavy crossbow or a long bow.

    How do I resolve that while in a mech? Does the damage scale? I'm not sure what weapons would be an equivalent to a crossbow how should I go about getting the right
    base weapon in order to utilize this power for my Mech?

    Edit: I've been looking at built in weapons of a super robot, can I have those count as crossbows for feats? says the type of actual weapon those use are up to the player's decision.
    The ability would simply do 1d8 (1d10 base damage if using the damage boosting augment), and scale with size if using that augment. You would not pick one of your mech weapons as the base instead.

    You can make a super robot weapon count as a crossbow for feats, and I'm fine with letting some/all arsenal weapons work that way as well if you can tell me which feats you're looking to apply.
    Jasnah avatar by Zea Mays

  19. - Top - End - #19
    Ogre in the Playground
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    Default Re: Warring states of Ashtara

    Weapon Focus (Crossbow, Heavy)
    Crossbow Sniper. Gives 1/2 dexterity to a crossbow damage that has the weapon focus feat.

    So the tricky part is having the right size crossbow for the job.
    I was thinking regular built-in ranged would be the light crossbow equivalent,
    but if I picked up a heavy built-in weapon it would count as a heavy crossbow.

    Though annoyingly that means I have to get weapon focus for both crossbows in order to utilize crossbow sniper for all three.
    Does that sound fair?

    I'm guessing I have to pick a ranged weapon to represent the built-in weapons I want to emulate?
    M95 Machine Gun(I) 30 mu +4 1d10(P) 20 - 19-20x2 4 (Pinning, Concussive)
    Hv Cannon (I) 75 mu +0 2d10(B/P) 6 - x2 20 (Heavy, Rending)

    I'd like to use the machine gun base for the light crossbow equivalent 20 Ammo and 6 ammo for each respectively
    and the HvCannon for the heavy crossbow equivalent

    The damage is reduced to 1d8 for the built-in ranged weapon. (machine gun)

    Can I just use regular crossbow ammo as the material component for boost and count is as the in built weapon?

    Visually it would be like having ranged pile drivers attached on top of the mecha's wrists
    And the Heavy Weapon act as a "Ballista" heavy crossbow that I aim from the mecha's back
    All are reflavored as Crystal shard attacks tho.

  20. - Top - End - #20
    Troll in the Playground
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    Default Re: Warring states of Ashtara

    Quote Originally Posted by Nightraiderx View Post
    Weapon Focus (Crossbow, Heavy)
    Crossbow Sniper. Gives 1/2 dexterity to a crossbow damage that has the weapon focus feat.

    So the tricky part is having the right size crossbow for the job.
    I was thinking regular built-in ranged would be the light crossbow equivalent,
    but if I picked up a heavy built-in weapon it would count as a heavy crossbow.

    Though annoyingly that means I have to get weapon focus for both crossbows in order to utilize crossbow sniper for all three.
    Does that sound fair?
    Yes, that sounds fair. Let's rule it as 'ranged weapons with the defensive property count as hand crossbows for feats that might apply, ranged weapons with the heavy property count as heavy crossbows, and the remaining ranged weapons count as light crossbows'

    Quote Originally Posted by Nightraiderx View Post
    I'm guessing I have to pick a ranged weapon to represent the built-in weapons I want to emulate?
    M95 Machine Gun(I) 30 mu +4 1d10(P) 20 - 19-20x2 4 (Pinning, Concussive)
    Hv Cannon (I) 75 mu +0 2d10(B/P) 6 - x2 20 (Heavy, Rending)

    I'd like to use the machine gun base for the light crossbow equivalent 20 Ammo and 6 ammo for each respectively
    and the HvCannon for the heavy crossbow equivalent

    The damage is reduced to 1d8 for the built-in ranged weapon. (machine gun)
    I'm not really following hat you're asking here? in-built weapons have their own statblocks as described under the super-robot upgrades, and you can spend points to upgrade them. You don't pick an arsenal weapon.

    Quote Originally Posted by Nightraiderx View Post
    Can I just use regular crossbow ammo as the material component for boost and count is as the in built weapon?

    Visually it would be like having ranged pile drivers attached on top of the mecha's wrists
    And the Heavy Weapon act as a "Ballista" heavy crossbow that I aim from the mecha's back
    All are reflavored as Crystal shard attacks tho.
    You can flavor it like this, yes, and you could just use normal bolts as the components. It does not count as a mecha in-built weapon for any other rules referring to those (edit: except firing it as part of a barrage, as on a reread of the ability it does also require an attack action to actually fire, so firing one would count as 1 weapon for the 1 +1/3 PL weapons you could fire at once)
    Last edited by DeTess; Yesterday at 07:35 AM.
    Jasnah avatar by Zea Mays

  21. - Top - End - #21
    Ogre in the Playground
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    Default Re: Warring states of Ashtara

    so built in ranged weapons don't have an Ammo limitation unless I take an upgrade with the drawback to do so?
    Guess I'll have to shuffle around some points to get that Ammo limitation, so I can add BOW as a trait.

    Special Attack: For each offensive maneuver the super robot knows that deals damage without using a weapon, you can pick a special property between Disarming, Grabbing, Pinning, Concussive or Downfall. Enemies damaged by the maneuver are affected by the special property. You may pick a different property for each valid maneuver. Specific properties must be picked when upgraded but you can pick different ones for each attack. Can be taken twice for 3 and 4 points, increases energy cost by 10/20 when activated. If you're an Arcane Pilot, you can apply this to your spells that deal damage without using a weapon, but must pay the extra energy too.
    This annoys me as the only exception made for special attack is for Arcane Pilot spells... can I extend this to a psionic attack power from Psycho Pilot?

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    Troll in the Playground
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    Default Re: Warring states of Ashtara

    Quote Originally Posted by Nightraiderx View Post
    so built in ranged weapons don't have an Ammo limitation unless I take an upgrade with the drawback to do so?
    Guess I'll have to shuffle around some points to get that Ammo limitation, so I can add BOW as a trait.
    That's correct.

    Quote Originally Posted by Nightraiderx View Post
    This annoys me as the only exception made for special attack is for Arcane Pilot spells... can I extend this to a psionic attack power from Psycho Pilot?
    Yes, you can extend this to psionic stuff as a psycho pilot.
    Jasnah avatar by Zea Mays

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    Bugbear in the Playground
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    Default Re: Warring states of Ashtara

    Quote Originally Posted by Elbeyon View Post
    Are we set on any faction at the start?
    The original idea was for us to be in a smaller group then team with a main faction if we wanted. We are seeing what you and NRX want to do so we can have a plot everyone agrees on.

    For each Magic Knight level a new type of weapon or armor may be selected and the Magic Knight may change between those forms as a swift or move action. When changing an Escudo Armament this way, they may combine any amount of nonmagic gems in their possession to it. If they do so, they may grant the Escudo Armament a template such as Feycraft as long as the template's cost is the same or less than the combined value of the gems. The gems may be removed when changing the Escudo Armament, but the template will be lost.
    Can I change Templates when changing weapons then?
    Last edited by YuweaCurtis; Yesterday at 09:22 AM.

  24. - Top - End - #24
    Titan in the Playground
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    Default Re: Warring states of Ashtara

    Oh, we're an independent group! I am glad I asked.

    Since this is pbp, may we use group initiative? We average our initiatives together and roll a single initiative as a group.
    Last edited by Elbeyon; Yesterday at 04:32 PM.

  25. - Top - End - #25
    Troll in the Playground
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    Default Re: Warring states of Ashtara

    Quote Originally Posted by Elbeyon View Post
    Oh, we're an independent group! I am glad I asked.

    Since this is pbp, may we use group initiative? We average our initiatives together and roll a single initiative as a group.
    It would help with post-flow if all players act together. Does anyone have a reason why they wouldn't want to do this?
    Jasnah avatar by Zea Mays

  26. - Top - End - #26
    Bugbear in the Playground
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    Default Re: Warring states of Ashtara

    I have no problem with it.
    ~Thanks to AsteriskAmp for the Illya Avatar!~

  27. - Top - End - #27
    Troll in the Playground
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    Default Re: Warring states of Ashtara

    Quote Originally Posted by YuweaCurtis View Post
    Can I change Templates when changing weapons then?
    Yes, since you can remove the template and get the cost back you could also then reinvest that cost for a different template. So yes, you can change it.
    Jasnah avatar by Zea Mays

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