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  1. - Top - End - #1021
    Ettin in the Playground
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    Default Re: Magic: The Gathering Thread XXV: 3 Vorthoses barely clinging to sanity and 45 Spi

    Spoiler: Bloomburrow first-look content
    I can't tell if Lutri went through an omenpath or Ral somehow turned into an otter, but one of those things definitely happened.
    Spoiler: Vanity quotes
    Quote Originally Posted by Strigon View Post
    That took a very sudden turn for the dark.

    I salute you.
    Quote Originally Posted by AuthorGirl View Post
    I wish it was possible to upvote here.

    I use braces (also known as "curly brackets") to indicate sarcasm. If there are none present, I probably believe what I am saying; should it turn out to be inaccurate trivia, please tell me rather than trying to play along with an apparent joke I don't know I'm making.

  2. - Top - End - #1022
    Colossus in the Playground
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    Default Re: Magic: The Gathering Thread XXV: 3 Vorthoses barely clinging to sanity and 45 Spi

    Quote Originally Posted by enderlord99 View Post
    Spoiler: Bloomburrow first-look content
    I can't tell if Lutri went through an omenpath or Ral somehow turned into an otter, but one of those things definitely happened.
    It is that Planeswalkers (and presumably other folk through omenpaths) turn into animal people when on the plane.

  3. - Top - End - #1023
    Ettin in the Playground
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    Default Re: Magic: The Gathering Thread XXV: 3 Vorthoses barely clinging to sanity and 45 Spi

    Quote Originally Posted by LaZodiac View Post
    It is that Planeswalkers (and presumably other folk through omenpaths) turn into animal people when on the plane.
    So, the second one. Got it.
    Spoiler: Vanity quotes
    Quote Originally Posted by Strigon View Post
    That took a very sudden turn for the dark.

    I salute you.
    Quote Originally Posted by AuthorGirl View Post
    I wish it was possible to upvote here.

    I use braces (also known as "curly brackets") to indicate sarcasm. If there are none present, I probably believe what I am saying; should it turn out to be inaccurate trivia, please tell me rather than trying to play along with an apparent joke I don't know I'm making.

  4. - Top - End - #1024
    Ettin in the Playground
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    Default Re: Magic: The Gathering Thread XXV: 3 Vorthoses barely clinging to sanity and 45 Spi

    God I love spawning multiple tokens when I have multiple Warleader's Calls up. Yes I would like to ping you 6 times after blowing up my own blood token with Gleeful Demolition.
    The name is "tonberrian", even when it begins a sentence. It's magic, I ain't gotta 'splain why.

  5. - Top - End - #1025
    Titan in the Playground
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    Default Re: Magic: The Gathering Thread XXV: 3 Vorthoses barely clinging to sanity and 45 Spi

    Quote Originally Posted by enderlord99 View Post
    So, the second one. Got it.
    Spoiler: Bloomburrow
    The art piece is even called "Ral, Crackling Wit, which is probably the resulting card name

  6. - Top - End - #1026
    Colossus in the Playground
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    Default Re: Magic: The Gathering Thread XXV: 3 Vorthoses barely clinging to sanity and 45 Spi

    Okay! I rise from the depths of my tomb once more to bring you concentrated Vorthos knowledge and understanding, for those who wish to listen.

    I'm going to try and summarize this in a way that won't involve me writing ten thousand words...

    Ixalan 2: Subterranean Boogaloo

    Truthfully too much stuff happens in this for me to recap this in a complete and total manner in a way that satisfies me and doesn't take literally all day to organize, so here are the highlights;

    Sun Empire is led by a toddler, controlled by his evil uncle and his not evil auntie. Hautli, Saheeli, Elendra of the Black Rose, and Admiral Governer Brass are planning a united coup against the corruptive forces of stupidity and racism in order to keep the plane from being set on fire by constant war and death. Saheeli is making robot dinosaurs and the pirates want to make a permanent nation out of their floating flotilla city and Elendra wants her vampires to stop being so ****ing corrupt. The people in the center of the earth relate to that on Huatli's end.

    There's a gravemind down in the depths of the earth, an ancient mind controlling fungus nasty man who isn't a threat Yet but Will Be.

    Vito and a large faction of vampires have fully devoted themselves to the great bat god Aclazotz, and end up getting killed real good. Kellan helps, and acquires an archeologist vampire girlfriend(?) to accompany him on his journies. None of the other stories involving Kellan will feature her because of how Magic's story turn-around is oops.

    Ravnica Murder Mystery Hours

    Extremely good story! The mystery is very good, and up until the last moment I couldn't quite figure out who was responsible... though I did figure it out, in the end. I wish I'd been in a right mental state to go over these stories live so we could have fun figuring it out ourselves, and for that I'm sorry.

    Highlights include: Kaya being the best. Detective Proft being the worst (affectionate). Teysa being the worst and a ton of people in and out of universe being weirdly on board for her stated goal of destabilizing the plane by gutting the Selesnyan conclave or killing one-third of Trostani (being horny for mean girlr makes people brain-poisoned). Aurelia continues to be a psychopath who is barely constrained. The Gruul continue to do nothing wrong or really all that relevant to the plot (though the growing sense that their old gods are returning as the plane slowly gets ripped to pieces by constant warfare is FASCINATING. Seeing what Ravnica was before Azor ****ed it all up is cool to me). Etrata's working relationshp with Proft (and being a main character!) is really cool for me personally, even if I'm baffled by the idea people find this to be romantic a relationship... but then people also saw Aurelia chaining Massacre Girl up was also romantic so maybe I'm just disconnected from the weirdos enough that I don't fit in anymore. Krenko continues to be a wonderful little monster of a man. The tease of some mysteriorus thopter using figure breaking into Proft's mind palace is... fascinating.

    All in all, strongly recommend you read this one! It's lengthy, as a murder mystery should be, but all in all fantastic. The conclusion; especially Oba's villain speech at the end where she reveals she's been murdering people for MONTHS and it's only because she finally hit someone guilded that any of the players in this play CARED is ****ing incredible. I think we're gonna get that Guildless Revolt set one day and it's gonna be sooner rather than later, and probably backed by the Gruul Old Gods because sure the Gruul are a GUILD but they're not really a guild, you know? It'll be interesting to see how that goes on top of Niv-Mizzet's desire to turn Ravnica into Sigil, the City of Doors from Planescape.

    Anyway if people are curious here is the status of who is dead or indisposed at the end of this murder mystery, which is (arguably) the most relevant.

    Death Count
    Teysa (comes back as a spirit, this is expected)
    Kylox (introduced this block)
    Tolsimir, maybe also his dog
    Judith (implied, but I don't think a person named Massacre Girl isn't going to NOT kill someone...)

    Anzrag (pokeball'd by the detectives)
    Agrus Kos (Judith trapped him in a crystal skull. Massacre Girl has it probably. I have suspicions on where this will go...)
    Rakdos (Sleeping, though in the time between this story and the next he has just ****ing left Ravnica to become a cowboy)
    Oba, one third of Trostani (arrested for extreme murder crimes. Teysa is intending for her to die or for Selesnya to be gutted of everything they own)

    ... wait? I'm missing something? What do you m- oh right Kellan. The protagonist. Kellan the main character of the last couple sets! That Kellan! He's an apprentice in the guildless detective agency. His archeologist friend is doing Gruul ruin archeology in the background, added to Seanan McGuire's story post fact because while she's an important character, she's not important enough to be known by the author writing this or Thunder Junction's story because how Magic does its story is weird. He learns how to fly! Good for him.

    Finally, this brings us to THUNDER JUNCTION, whose first story released yesterday! Lets go over that one in a finer detail like I usually... wait what tdo you mean this story's actually really light on details. Dangit!


    Spoiler: OUTLAWS, Episode 1: An Offer of Revenge
    Like a coin spining in the air after being flipped, this story is more set up then pay off. Whether it'll land hands, tails, edge, or get shot to pieces on the way down remains to be seen, but lets actually look at what we DO get from this...

    First, AKUL. A dragon of Thunder Junction- the art of which shows him to be a horrific scorpion dragon man who breathes fire out of his claws and has a delightful little bandana- is hunting after the "last key" he needs, him and his Hellspurs raiding the carriage that has it. Only, as the poor life slips from the courier, we learn that it is simply lumps of coal. Akul has been tricked, and the key is off to somewhere else... the key was also something delivered to this guy from off plane, so that's interesting.

    Later, Annie Flash finds the remains of this carriage. Being a former criminal turned accidental white-hat, she of courser helps herself to whatever WASN'T taken from the carriage to help out in the town she's inadvertently dug roots into. We also learn her mount is a magic horse- a beast of a mare called Fortune. Fortune comes and goes, but in a pinch she's always there for ol' Annie, and immediately if you have any love of westerns you will FEEL the essence of the genre in lines like that, which I hope show up more as we go on. It's incredible and I love it. Sadly her day is interrupted by everyone's least favorite **** boy, Oko- he has a job, and her unique abilities makes her perfect for it. Primarily that golden eye of hers. Rumor says an angel gave it to her, and it lets her see through illusions. A fact she makes clear when she tells the fae bastard to **** off, noting he is a fae which means fae are just a thing on this plane.

    Oko leaves, but not before making it clear where his hideout is, and Totally Not Threatening her that if he can easily find her... the Hellspurs sure as hell can too. Annie doesn't want to live backwards, doesn't need revenge to have a good life, but Oko's target is Akul and this would be an opportunity to take the monster down. Oko's a **** but Akul's a classic ruinous typhoon of existence, so it's pretty clear where her coin is going to land, but how she calls it... well, we'll see where this goes. Oko is a terrible person and what we know from card previews is that his gang includes Rakdos, the Lord of Murder, and something tells me he won't play soft in a way Annie may prefer...

    Meanwhile: Ral Zarek is spearheading the organization and creation of an Izzet run interplanar telephone line, through more permanent omenpaths, so as to properly set Ravnica as the seat of the new multiverse. This also has extremely strong western vibes, and positions Ral as the fancy pants European man who has come to these wild frontiers to present a little bit of class to the joint... which is hilarious given Ravnica is slavic in aesthetic so it's less "foppish british gentlemen" and more "coffee fueled have insane slav shouting about electricity". Incredible work, this plan will go extremely well.

    Kellan is also here. He heard from Ezrim, the Archon leader of the Guildless detective agency from Ravnica, that his father Oko is likely to be here. He really wants to see his dad- he's heard nothing but terrible things about his dad- but Oko is his DAD and Kellan is his SON that has to mean something? It HAS to mean something? Right? Right???

    I feel so ****ing sad for Kellan. Like Annie, I don't really see his coin landing any other way. I look forward to the impact it makes when it hits this plane hard enough to crater it.

  7. - Top - End - #1027
    Ettin in the Playground
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    Default Re: Magic: The Gathering Thread XXV: 3 Vorthoses barely clinging to sanity and 45 Spi

    I had something relevant, so I DM'd a mod (well, two mods technically) asking for permission to post it here (since to do so without asking would be necro) and I did indeed get that permission, but by then I had forgotten what I wanted to say. I think it was a cool interaction I had or something.

    OH! Right! I recently had a very close draft game. I won, but barely. I was a bit surprised, because I seldom play draft and therefore tend to be really bad at it when I do. I forgot the details though.

    EDIT: Rereading the DM I sent, I accidentally said "65" instead of "5" and IDK why I'm announcing that typo but I am.
    Last edited by enderlord99; 2024-05-02 at 10:18 AM.
    Spoiler: Vanity quotes
    Quote Originally Posted by Strigon View Post
    That took a very sudden turn for the dark.

    I salute you.
    Quote Originally Posted by AuthorGirl View Post
    I wish it was possible to upvote here.

    I use braces (also known as "curly brackets") to indicate sarcasm. If there are none present, I probably believe what I am saying; should it turn out to be inaccurate trivia, please tell me rather than trying to play along with an apparent joke I don't know I'm making.

  8. - Top - End - #1028
    Ettin in the Playground
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    Default Re: Magic: The Gathering Thread XXV: 3 Vorthoses barely clinging to sanity and 45 Spi

    Thunder Junction has been pretty fun, though i'm looking forward to space opera magic set. And Bloomburrow, i love redwall.
    The name is "tonberrian", even when it begins a sentence. It's magic, I ain't gotta 'splain why.

  9. - Top - End - #1029
    Titan in the Playground
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    Default Re: Magic: The Gathering Thread XXV: 3 Vorthoses barely clinging to sanity and 45 Spi

    What's your guys' view on product fatigue? We are relatively new players (my not-boyfriend and I) and slowly but surely it creeps in. Not because we dont like cardboard crack, not because we spend thousands on it (though we spend too much), but because there is only so many decks you can build and not play before it becomes incredibly tedious and boring.

    I have Commander decks lying around that I never touched. I have a Pauper deck I was insanely excited to build, only to never find players for it. What is "worse" (from a strict MTG player perspective that is) that our 1 on 1 scene was basically taken over by Lorcana. The game is fun, I have tried it, and it comes naturally to any MTG player, but its flavor is "too disney" if that makes any sense; it does, but what did I expect? And it is new with a low card count so strategies seem predictable right now.

  10. - Top - End - #1030
    Titan in the Playground

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    Default Re: Magic: The Gathering Thread XXV: 3 Vorthoses barely clinging to sanity and 45 Spi

    Quote Originally Posted by Spore View Post
    What's your guys' view on product fatigue? We are relatively new players (my not-boyfriend and I) and slowly but surely it creeps in. Not because we dont like cardboard crack, not because we spend thousands on it (though we spend too much), but because there is only so many decks you can build and not play before it becomes incredibly tedious and boring.

    I have Commander decks lying around that I never touched. I have a Pauper deck I was insanely excited to build, only to never find players for it. What is "worse" (from a strict MTG player perspective that is) that our 1 on 1 scene was basically taken over by Lorcana. The game is fun, I have tried it, and it comes naturally to any MTG player, but its flavor is "too disney" if that makes any sense; it does, but what did I expect? And it is new with a low card count so strategies seem predictable right now.
    I feel you. I have two decks that still need to be tested. Three if we count an old one I originally kept against discard strategy (which I hate). I simply dont have the time or energy to play the game on Spelltable anymore unless its with friends. With strangers on Spelltable, I never know what to expect. And I realized its more fun to play in person with other players anyway.

    I never tried Lorcana and my work schedule makes it difficult to visit my LGS and ask about it. I wish I had a group of friends that play the game but again, because of work schedule (I have a week-end, evening shift), I feel isolated.

    In fact, I continue to upgrade my decks because of the rush I feel to add new, more powerful cards to the decks I have. I dont wanna build a new deck unless it feels a niche I didnt have before. In some ways, its like... building something with Legos for some. The planification, the goldfishing practices AND getting mail that makes me happy. I'm not ashamed to say that 60-70% of my pleasure of the game is from the deckbuilding process and try out the decks to see if they do what I wanted them to do.

    I dont feel the fatigue that much because... to be honest, my mental health is struggling at times. But I'm not going to bore you with that. I know what you mean though about the fatigue. It always feel like my decks are in a constant deckbuilding phase that never finish! That can get annoying.

  11. - Top - End - #1031
    Ettin in the Playground
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    Default Re: Magic: The Gathering Thread XXV: 3 Vorthoses barely clinging to sanity and 45 Spi

    I just play standard on arena, not much product fatigue for me so far. Though I'm only three months in to collecting.
    The name is "tonberrian", even when it begins a sentence. It's magic, I ain't gotta 'splain why.

  12. - Top - End - #1032
    Colossus in the Playground
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    Default Re: Magic: The Gathering Thread XXV: 3 Vorthoses barely clinging to sanity and 45 Spi

    So I'm pretty sure all the other Vorthos folk died so that leaves me, so I won't dig through my old brain-files to get full recaps of the entire Thunder Junction story (which I highly encourage you read, it's quite good) and will instead detail the highlights

    1: Oko continues to be the single worst character in magic
    2: Gisa and Geralf continue to be the best! Wow!
    3: The complete lack of a legends article or Planeswalker's Guide has left a lot of characters and all of the world building kind of super sparse and confusing to a lot of people, splintering a lot of people's care for the set. It actually annoys me quite a bit that they've done this
    4: The Ashiok that picked up Eriette at the end of Wilds of Eldraine is actually Jace in disguise! We get a lengthy two part epilogue detailing how he got free from Elesh Norn's control, saved Vraska, and how his mom used phoenix downs to save them from being TOO overly crippled from the compleation- though they are all textually described as physically and mentally scarred, so we know all the walkers who got compleated and returned to life are ****ed and going to be remembering this for a long long time.
    5: The loot in the vault is- on top of all the actual treasure people find later- a Fomorion baby with a real-time mental map of the entire multiverse.

    Neat stuff.

    Also on Tumblr I've been trying to catalogue where every card is from in the set: we just finished Green, you can read all that **** there.

    RE the subject at hand: I don't buy magic cards so I've experienced zero product fatigue. It is so very easy not to buy things you aren't interested in buying.
    Last edited by LaZodiac; 2024-05-04 at 01:16 PM.

  13. - Top - End - #1033
    Titan in the Playground
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    Default Re: Magic: The Gathering Thread XXV: 3 Vorthoses barely clinging to sanity and 45 Spi

    Quote Originally Posted by LaZodiac View Post
    So I'm pretty sure all the other Vorthos folk died so that leaves me
    I would have been a Vorthos, but Magic lore is kinda weird. It feels like a "villain of the month" type story, except it jumps worlds so frequently, you cannot get a feel for the visited planes anymore. And while I enjoy cowboy stories, I know two months from here we are on Red-Wall-plane, so why would I care?

    Going away from block stories really ruined MTG stories for me. Well, and homophobic writers, but that can happen any time.

  14. - Top - End - #1034
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    Default Re: Magic: The Gathering Thread XXV: 3 Vorthoses barely clinging to sanity and 45 Spi

    Quote Originally Posted by Spore View Post
    I would have been a Vorthos, but Magic lore is kinda weird. It feels like a "villain of the month" type story, except it jumps worlds so frequently, you cannot get a feel for the visited planes anymore. And while I enjoy cowboy stories, I know two months from here we are on Red-Wall-plane, so why would I care?

    Going away from block stories really ruined MTG stories for me. Well, and homophobic writers, but that can happen any time.
    That's entirely fair, but you can absolutely still get invested in stuff even with the new format.

    Hey now, lets be fair. The homophobic writer, singular. This set literally had a very powerfully good trans-man origin story, and every since War of the Spark they've done a lot to be better about that colossal **** up.

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    Default Re: Magic: The Gathering Thread XXV: 3 Vorthoses barely clinging to sanity and 45 Spi

    I've had my fair share of corny fantasy tropes back when I read the entirety of Drizz't Do'Urden books. I dont think I can take any more half baked MTG novels but feel free if you can recommend any (paper) novels to me. I need stuff to read while outside (and also a reason to stay outside, since my pastimes are all inside).

  16. - Top - End - #1036
    Colossus in the Playground
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    Default Re: Magic: The Gathering Thread XXV: 3 Vorthoses barely clinging to sanity and 45 Spi

    Quote Originally Posted by Spore View Post
    I've had my fair share of corny fantasy tropes back when I read the entirety of Drizz't Do'Urden books. I dont think I can take any more half baked MTG novels but feel free if you can recommend any (paper) novels to me. I need stuff to read while outside (and also a reason to stay outside, since my pastimes are all inside).
    The actual novels released after Forsaken (Wildered Quest, the Ikoria one I don't remember the name of, and especially Gathering Storm and Children of the Nameless) are all really good to fantastic. They're sadly not physical so that'll be a problem for you, mind.

    If you want a paper novel... well, I'm not going to NOT take the opportunity to mention my own novel, because I mean you asked. Initial Sparks on Amazon I can't link it but I can tell you the name of it. Otherwise I'm out of actual suggestions at the moment.

    But okay, sure, message received; not interested in Magic's story.

  17. - Top - End - #1037
    Orc in the Playground

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    Default Re: Magic: The Gathering Thread XXV: 3 Vorthoses barely clinging to sanity and 45 Spi

    While I don’t interact much here, I do enjoy reading about the Magic story as updates are posted. It helps me decide which articles and stories to engage with
    Happiness is mandatory, citizen. Remember, a happy citizen is a loyal citizen. Failure to be happy at all times is a violation of Alpha Complex regulations. In the event you are unhappy, please immediately inform your Loyalty Officer.

  18. - Top - End - #1038
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    Default Re: Magic: The Gathering Thread XXV: 3 Vorthoses barely clinging to sanity and 45 Spi

    Quote Originally Posted by RayGallade View Post
    While I don’t interact much here, I do enjoy reading about the Magic story as updates are posted. It helps me decide which articles and stories to engage with
    Honestly same. It helps me keep aware of the lore aspect of the hobby, which I enjoy.

    On the other hand I am getting back into actual tabletop magic with some of my friends from school... man it's rained since fourth edition. We are all giving free reign to our inner children in commander and its being pretty fun so far. For now we have only built tribal decks, and we share them around the group, proxying a lot of stuff to get things flowing (although I am happy I found a lathril deck, I love elves). We have, elves (black green), zombies (black blue), humans (5 color legendary humans with jodah), dragons (5 colors Ur-dragons), vampires (white black red), and demons (black blue red).

    How do people feel about proxies at home games? On the one hand I feel like it's probably not great for wizards as you don't buy stuff, but on the other you get people playing that then buy stuff.
    Thanks a lot Gengy for the awesome... just a sec... avatar. :)

  19. - Top - End - #1039
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    Default Re: Magic: The Gathering Thread XXV: 3 Vorthoses barely clinging to sanity and 45 Spi

    Quote Originally Posted by RayGallade View Post
    While I don’t interact much here, I do enjoy reading about the Magic story as updates are posted. It helps me decide which articles and stories to engage with
    Quote Originally Posted by thethird View Post
    Honestly same. It helps me keep aware of the lore aspect of the hobby, which I enjoy.

    On the other hand I am getting back into actual tabletop magic with some of my friends from school... man it's rained since fourth edition. We are all giving free reign to our inner children in commander and its being pretty fun so far. For now we have only built tribal decks, and we share them around the group, proxying a lot of stuff to get things flowing (although I am happy I found a lathril deck, I love elves). We have, elves (black green), zombies (black blue), humans (5 color legendary humans with jodah), dragons (5 colors Ur-dragons), vampires (white black red), and demons (black blue red).

    How do people feel about proxies at home games? On the one hand I feel like it's probably not great for wizards as you don't buy stuff, but on the other you get people playing that then buy stuff.
    Well, I'm glad people appreciate the work I put into it. On that note, Modern Horizons 3 has no story... but since it is Eldrazi focused, they DID re-publish a lot of the old Eldrazi focused stories, which features perhaps one of my favorite moments of all of magic story: Chandra and Nissa doing a giant love powered fire laser to eradicate Ulamog and Kozilek.

    That said there is actually soooome lore snippets in Modern Horizon 3 worth talking about. Mostly, the flip-walkers in the set! Each feature a flipwalker, and a Saga card about something they did. Ajani's is here, but we all already know the story of the coolest cat. We also, however, get some new ones- or at the very least ones we heard of but hadn't seen.

    Sorin, as a petulant little **** noble who gets forcibly vampirized by his grandpa and becomes a neonate vampire and god-walker.

    Ral, a poor despondent gay boy dumped by his boyfriend who failed an experiment and ended up in a plane we still don't know about, learning to become the lovable scamp we know today.

    Tamiyo, who despite the fact we know now lives on a plane full of technological marvels, does just dress in perfectly normal robes with no cybernetics at all (ironically confirming my belief that Tamiyo is just a traditionalist) who learned of new planes and was so excited to explore them she became a planeswalker. Notably we also get a card of her husband, and he creates tokens that are younger versions of all their kids (two Soratami, a nezumi, and a new fox baby).

    And finally, Grist- the multiverse's hungriest caterpillar, coming back from near-death due to an unending desire to consume and control, becoming a hivemind of undead and carrion-critters. As one does.

    Proxying seems fine to me, honestly? There's no world where you are going to be able to buy a black lotus but if everyone involved is fine with you running one you're more than free to.

  20. - Top - End - #1040
    Ettin in the Playground
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    Default Re: Magic: The Gathering Thread XXV: 3 Vorthoses barely clinging to sanity and 45 Spi

    Proxying is why i play arena, where it's relatively cheaper to get a deck together. I'd have no problem playing legacy if it was implemented in arena. I have no problem with proxying expensive cards in my personal group, and i don't think tournaments should be decided by who can build the most expensive deck.
    The name is "tonberrian", even when it begins a sentence. It's magic, I ain't gotta 'splain why.

  21. - Top - End - #1041
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    Default Re: Magic: The Gathering Thread XXV: 3 Vorthoses barely clinging to sanity and 45 Spi

    So I have upgraded the Quick Draw Precon, expecting it to play like an Izzet Storm/Spell Slinger deck. You know, a deck that wants to play a few smaller spells to copy a swingy spell.

    The upgrade primer had three tutors and Twisted Fealty (which the commander can infinitely copy on itself) for a Turn 5 combo win. Now I am positive this is too slow for cEDH (in addition to me missing the staples like Moxes, Mana Crypt Medaillons and Fetch Lands), and my private pod is insanely pissed at this deck.

    Anyone got any FUN ideas for tutorable semi-huge copyable instants/sorceries, that are fun and swingy, but dont win the game on the spot?

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