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  1. - Top - End - #511
    Barbarian in the Playground
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    Default Re: [Nexus] Inside 45

    [The Blasted Zone]

    Freddie stopped the arm a few inches from the guy's neck. Given how pointy the servitor's arm is the fellow had a decent idea of what the zombie-robot's intentions were.


    The Huldra sloooowly releases the servitor's limb.

    Hopefully the daemon-possessed machine won't go and slaughter all the people.

    That would kinda upset Freddie. But there would be little she could do about it in the end due to the whole non-violence binding.

    "The daemon-possessed machine requests that you fear it,"
    Freddie states in a somewhat dead-pan tone.

    "Yeah... I think I can handle that..." chubby guy replies nervously.
    Warning! Random Encounter™ detected!
    The Eternal Game Nightmære Stuff
    It doesn't matter whether you win or lose, just how awesome you look doing it.

  2. - Top - End - #512
    Orc in the Playground
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    Default Re: [Nexus] Inside 45

    The Blasted Zone

    The servitor thinks it's an exception- its host is a lobotomised human turned into a robot. There's enough brain left to anchor the Daemon, but without the Daemon the servitor wouldn't be self-aware. Also, it certainly isn't an innocent.

    The servitor lowers its limb and turns towards the Martian's skiff, searching for something with an obvious plug for its connector socket. It can warp the shape of the socket, so it's not too fussed what shapes it finds. Specifically, it's looking more along the lines of a weapon or a tool that can be converted to such.
    Terrowin Avatar by HappyTurtle. Much thanks!

  3. - Top - End - #513
    Barbarian in the Playground
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    Default Re: [Nexus] Inside 45

    [The Blasted Zone]

    Freddie begins breaking the shackles on the prisoners, simply ripping them out of their mountings. The Huldra is quite clearly strong...

    As for things that could be weapons...

    How about that beam cannon on the back of the skiff?

    That could be interfaced with. Though it is a bit on the bulky side of things. The Martians needed it on a mounting to operate it. But the Martians were also kinda small.

    Once Freddie frees the captives she messily devours the other two Martains!

    Om nom nom!
    Warning! Random Encounter™ detected!
    The Eternal Game Nightmære Stuff
    It doesn't matter whether you win or lose, just how awesome you look doing it.

  4. - Top - End - #514
    Orc in the Playground
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    Default Re: [Nexus] Inside 45

    The Blasted Zone

    Well, it'll go for hand-blasters first, but if there's nothing else it will certainly suffice. Its hand will play over the screws and fastenings to detach it from its mount before the connector-socket-wrist connects and wires itself into the beam cannon as aiming unit, power pack and mount. Actually, that reminds me; the eight charging plugs on its back will snake out of their mounts and try to connect with the hover skiff's power supply and recharge.
    Terrowin Avatar by HappyTurtle. Much thanks!

  5. - Top - End - #515
    Barbarian in the Playground
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    Default Re: [Nexus] Inside 45

    [The Blasted Zone]

    The servitor will recharge itself as the Martian power core is quite ample with its supply of energy. It probably runs on things far less nefarious than what the cyborg robot is use to, though.

    Freddie clunks hisr helm back on and motions for the survivors to follow, which they do with some degree of trepidation. This place is still pretty dangerous after all! The chances of running into more unpleasant things is almost without a doubt a given.

    That is, after all, the whole point of the Blasted Zone.

    To concentrate all the apocalyptic doom that gets siphoned into the Nexus under one roof.
    Warning! Random Encounter™ detected!
    The Eternal Game Nightmære Stuff
    It doesn't matter whether you win or lose, just how awesome you look doing it.

  6. - Top - End - #516
    Orc in the Playground
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    Default Re: [Nexus] Inside 45

    The Blasted Zone

    The servitor will fire the beam cannon at a spot not far from the survivors, just to see what it does. If one of the survivors is 'accidentally' fried, the servitor won't care. It does this before it's finished charging, too, so it has a rough idea of how much power it needs.
    Terrowin Avatar by HappyTurtle. Much thanks!

  7. - Top - End - #517
    Barbarian in the Playground
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    Default Re: [Nexus] Inside 45

    [The Blasted Zone]

    Thankfully (or maybe not so thankfully) the beam cannon has a relatively narrow area of effect. It fires a stream of SCIENCE! that turns flesh to ash, leaving only skeletons behind. Against non-squishy targets it will toast electronics.

    How very nifty.

    A few of the survivors jump when the beam fries an unfortunate pigeon that was nearby, leaving only a blackened bird skeleton in its wake.

    Poor pigeon...

    What did it ever do to anyone?
    Warning! Random Encounter™ detected!
    The Eternal Game Nightmære Stuff
    It doesn't matter whether you win or lose, just how awesome you look doing it.

  8. - Top - End - #518
    Orc in the Playground
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    Default Re: [Nexus] Inside 45

    The Blasted Zone

    Ooh, nifty. That will come in handy. When it has finished charging, the Tzeentchian Servitor will shamble along after the group, beam cannon held ready. And pointed at the back of the slowest survivor.
    Terrowin Avatar by HappyTurtle. Much thanks!

  9. - Top - End - #519
    Halfling in the Playground
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    Default Re: [Nexus] Inside 45

    Quote Originally Posted by Zefir View Post
    EIAC - Offices


    "Very impressive. I assume the guy who gave his DNA for it has to pay a huge amount, right?"

    Andy thinks that this groth at least is related to one person. (Also I'm not sure is Dave's paper outside the room? Oh and I think it's your choice if people can here through the doors)
    ((My last post was several pages later, here))

    Naitiri's walls are, actually, sound-resistant. How is she supposed to make private deals without actual privacy? In any case, let us assume Dave does not hear - not like it would matter, ultimately. Dave is just proving Andy wrong and making a rude gesture. Besides, if he's concerned about Naitiri's thoughts on the matter, she intends to bring it up later, and Mr. Ninja-doctor-satan can just correct his mistake.

    "Well, no, not if he joins our program," Naitiri says, hinting at Andy again. "He works for us now. Not only is he sleeping under our roof and eating our food, he's got his arm back."

    Quote Originally Posted by Mindfreak View Post
    Considering that Dave is a ninja, not to mention also a King of a Hell, which pretty much heightens all of his senses, it isn't unlikely...unless the rooms are sound proof, or some other thing is going on.


    Red Zone - Streets
    She nods.
    "Yes! Um...I'll grab my things first though."
    She goes to the crate, opens it, and retrieves her duffel bag. Which is, of course, extremely colorful.
    She then goes to walk with Bellan!
    Bellan will, if permitted, take Rainbow's duffel bag from her and sling it over his shoulder. He wouldn't want someone else to carry such a burden when he can do it for them.

    Whether or not his chivalry is permissible, they make their way toward the Sleeping Goblin. I shall post there shortly.

    Quote Originally Posted by Earl of Purple View Post
    EIAC- Clerics of Dalachrech

    It surprised me, too.

    "Will you m-"
    "-anage to let me finish the question?"
    "No." Destur jumps forward and wraps his arms around Jorje, leaning in to give him a very passionate kiss.
    Marge grins at the two, tears appearing the corners of her eyes. Despite the gender differences, she's touched deeply by the scene, and is reminded of the marriage to her now-deceased husband George.

    The other employees - and those patrons who can be bothered to care - smile and clap and cheer at the two.

    Quote Originally Posted by Dark Elf Bard View Post
    Well then! You are clearly not normal!
    Vierzt smirks nastily.
    Divebomb glowers at the elf, starting to stand up. With a sudden movement, she uses her unusual strength to try and turn Vierzt over, locking his hands behind his back in the same motion.

    "That's it, pal. I'm taking you in. You don't get to just shoot arrows at--" And it is at this point that Vierzt likely interjects, whether it be through actions or words. If not, she'll finish with the word 'people'.
    My avatar was done by Gullara. Thanks again!

    "If you meet a spirit walking,
    Incline your head.
    Do not meet their gaze.
    Do not follow after."

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  10. - Top - End - #520
    Barbarian in the Playground
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    Default Re: [Nexus] Inside 45

    Quote Originally Posted by Keveak View Post
    Meli shudders at the thought of being chased by the genie again. Writing quickly, the part-Elf responds.

    "He appeared when I touched a strange bottle, maybe you can find him there?"

    Remembering something, Meli writes another note.

    "There were others in Umbrella who could help keep safe. Tirin might even have been a guardian or soldier."

    Friend sighs, both sad and annoyed with the fact. Murder was quite low on the former Faerie's list of approval.

    "My thanks."

    Friend replies politely, if not very happily. Turning toward Mr. Marble and the crime scene, the ex-Fae's yellow eyes avoid the body.

    "Is there indication of who or wherefore this was done? I wish to lend what assistance I doth have to give, but I am no Master in Examination of a Murder."
    Red Zone - Alley

    "Alright, so can I drop you off with your friend Tirin first? Where did you first find the bottle?" He stops himself, he really should limit his questions or she's going to run out of paper

    Pirate Justin avatar by myself. Emmi avatar by Gulaghar, Much Thanks!

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  11. - Top - End - #521
    Bugbear in the Playground
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    Default Re: [Nexus] Inside 45

    Quote Originally Posted by Murkus View Post
    "That's it, pal. I'm taking you in. You don't get to just shoot arrows at--" And it is at this point that Vierzt likely interjects, whether it be through actions or words. If not, she'll finish with the word 'people'.
    The drow is twisted! And then Vierzt shoots his foot out in both a swift back kick and a jump forward. He aims right at Divebomb's gut, so as to knock the wind out of her. If he manages to jump away, he whips out his serrated knife and sinks into a low stance, preparing to spring oi her. Much like the cat that got them both into this battle.

    Ironic, eh?
    This is the thief who likes to hoard,
    That loves the bard with the puppet Lord
    That admires the fighter with the green-hilted sword,
    That employs the Wizard, whose bird is ignored,
    That has the gender unexplored
    That intrigues the Halfling, usually bored,
    That slew a mountain of the goblin horde,
    That follows the cleric,
    That serves the lich,
    That seeks the gate,
    That guards the snarl,
    That lives in the prison the gods built.

    guess what I was gone but now I'm back

  12. - Top - End - #522
    Dwarf in the Playground

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    Default Re: [Nexus] Inside 45

    Quote Originally Posted by Reinholdt View Post

    Ice Rink

    Reinholdt will take advantage of handholdy lessons and catch on fairly quickly. Granted, he already has experience with roller skates and bikes, so he knows the basic concept anyways. He won't be doing the incredible tricks Bobbie does, but he can skate and turn.
    Quote Originally Posted by Gulaghar View Post
    Ice Rink

    Arel will frown on and literally handholdy lessons, but she won't protest. Verbally at least. Her eyes speak volumes.

    She'll have more trouble learning than Rein simply because she doesn't even have any related experience. After a while, though, she'll be able to more forward fine and even turn slowly. She's even enjoying herself, even if it is Bobbie giving the lessons.
    Incredible tricks may be a slight exaggeration, but she certainly knows what she's doing.
    No weird super-twirly jump spin things though. At least, that she's been showing off.

    She also doesn't drive Arel painfully into any walls during these lessons!
    Why would she do that? She wouldn't!

    Bobbie is, however, incredibly determined to make sure that both of them can do basic laps around the rink. Upgrade from "slow turning" to "workable turning". Then she'll be satisfied.
    "Aaaaand there you go! The easy peasy lessons on Not Falling on Your Butt or Face. By Bobbie.
    Any more questions, Reiny? Arel?"
    "Fear and creativity are conjoined twins."
    Absentee Spirit

  13. - Top - End - #523
    Halfling in the Playground
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    Default Re: [Nexus] Inside 45

    Quote Originally Posted by Dark Elf Bard View Post
    The drow is twisted! And then Vierzt shoots his foot out in both a swift back kick and a jump forward. He aims right at Divebomb's gut, so as to knock the wind out of her. If he manages to jump away, he whips out his serrated knife and sinks into a low stance, preparing to spring oi her. Much like the cat that got them both into this battle.

    Ironic, eh?
    Well, if Vierzt's strength lives up to his A- power rating, air is likely in quite a hurry to escape Divebomb's lungs. She coughs and stumbles, unable to control her footing.
    My avatar was done by Gullara. Thanks again!

    "If you meet a spirit walking,
    Incline your head.
    Do not meet their gaze.
    Do not follow after."

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  14. - Top - End - #524
    Bugbear in the Playground
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    Default Re: [Nexus] Inside 45

    Vierzt now attempts to leap on her, and pin her down with his legs and hands.
    This is the thief who likes to hoard,
    That loves the bard with the puppet Lord
    That admires the fighter with the green-hilted sword,
    That employs the Wizard, whose bird is ignored,
    That has the gender unexplored
    That intrigues the Halfling, usually bored,
    That slew a mountain of the goblin horde,
    That follows the cleric,
    That serves the lich,
    That seeks the gate,
    That guards the snarl,
    That lives in the prison the gods built.

    guess what I was gone but now I'm back

  15. - Top - End - #525
    Halfling in the Playground
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    Default Re: [Nexus] Inside 45

    Divebomb is pinned! She's quite the strong individual, so Vierzt might not be able to hold her for long. Her mouth - the only visible facial feature - twists in a grimace of fear and rage. The rocket panels on her limbs flare angrily, scorching the grass, preparing to launch.
    My avatar was done by Gullara. Thanks again!

    "If you meet a spirit walking,
    Incline your head.
    Do not meet their gaze.
    Do not follow after."

    -Things Our Mothers Tell Us

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  16. - Top - End - #526
    Bugbear in the Playground
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    Default Re: [Nexus] Inside 45

    Arkham Hospital

    "Oooh, mefirst! I wanna eye on my sword antha sign on my vest!" Oliver volunteers, shrugging off his hoodie and slinging it over one shoulder so Freddie can mark his flak jacket with the Elder Sign. "Oh and, uh, you think you can, like, do a tattoo? 'cause it would be pretty frickin' bad*** to have the eye on my fist so I can punch cthulhu right intha face."
    Meese Mobster by smuchmuch.

  17. - Top - End - #527
    Bugbear in the Playground
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    Not in a secret base, no!

    Default Re: [Nexus] Inside 45

    Quote Originally Posted by Murkus View Post
    ((My last post was several pages later, here))

    Naitiri's walls are, actually, sound-resistant. How is she supposed to make private deals without actual privacy? In any case, let us assume Dave does not hear - not like it would matter, ultimately. Dave is just proving Andy wrong and making a rude gesture. Besides, if he's concerned about Naitiri's thoughts on the matter, she intends to bring it up later, and Mr. Ninja-doctor-satan can just correct his mistake.

    "Well, no, not if he joins our program," Naitiri says, hinting at Andy again. "He works for us now. Not only is he sleeping under our roof and eating our food, he's got his arm back."
    EIAC - Offices

    ((Not sure if that was on prupose with speaking in future and then in past. If not PM me and I can change things.))

    Also wouldn't Umbrella be a bad evidence? You know Zombie apocalypse.^^
    Andy looks at Naitiri again. KNow with a defensive expression. Was she about to mean him? Actually his arm looks like a normal one and only a bunch of people know it better. The only obviouse thing is his eye and sadly that couldn't be fixed without him dying.

    "That sounds strange. If I understand you right your wanting him to join, but then actually he works for you. Is there anything you want to tell me? And please be direct. I'm not very good in guessing from hints."
    Grammer is my declared deadly enemy!
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    Let's PLay's in German Take a Look at Bravely Default.

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  18. - Top - End - #528
    Barbarian in the Playground
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    Default Re: [Nexus] Inside 45

    EIAC Dave will just walk to the place of surgery then with the nice man! And no, Umbrella wouldn't be bad evidence. I doubt many people know it came from Umbrella in the first place. After all, it's not like people were screaming from the rooftops that stuff happened at Umbrella.
    Streets --> Sleeping Goblin Rainbow will allow Bellan to take her duffel bag, a small smile on her face. From there she will follow him to the Sleeping Goblin, hiding a little behind him to hide from everyone's sight.
    DMC "So um...can you help me get to a workspace?" At least I think Mia said something about workspaces >.<
    Mindfreak by...I don't quite know who
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  19. - Top - End - #529
    Ogre in the Playground
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    Default Re: [Nexus] Inside 45

    [Near Trogs]

    "Me neither, to be frank."
    Says Mister Marble, having finished his evidence gathering and turning to talk to Friend.
    "At least, not with a murder as elaborate as this. Most kills I've seen have been fairly obvious - muggings, duels, harvesting for zombie parts, the like."
    Mister Marble frowns.
    Quote Originally Posted by Lord Magtok
    She’s graduated from child soldier to unstable teen sorceress, way to go.

  20. - Top - End - #530
    Dwarf in the Playground
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    Default Re: [Nexus] Inside 45

    Quote Originally Posted by Bookboy View Post
    [Underground Tower Tartarus: Fifth floor---> First Floor]

    Danae follows them through the light.
    Perhaps next time we should set up some protective spells before moving up to the next floor.
    Quote Originally Posted by Lazorath View Post
    ((It's alright, Luna would think of it as a nickname))

    "That would be a smart idea," Lasagna whispers.

    "One of Lucifer's worshipers, huh?" Luna asks, wondering how powerful the generals are.
    "What have we gotten ourselves into Luna?"
    "We're in a whole other world, keep your eyes open and be sharp."
    Luna and Lasagna go into the portal, Teeteeh following silently behind them.
    As the party head to the first floor they come across the unlit portal from earlier that is now lit in a green light. On the other side is Serph and Element near the golden glowing grandfather clock.

    "Once I pay the clock, our injuries will be healed. saved daily spells, energy required to cast them, etc. will be back. The only thing this thing doesn't doesn't heal is fatigue. Though we are 100% healed we would still fee tired, that's why I had us rest earlier. With everyone's consent I'll pay this clock so we can all heal."

    Serph waits for disapproval or approval from the rest of them but whatever the case he will still heal himself and Element. Once this is over with the party will head to the fifth floor to head onward to the sixth floor via teleporter.

    Quote Originally Posted by ThirdEmperor View Post
    Arkham Hospital

    "Oooh, mefirst! I wanna eye on my sword antha sign on my vest!" Oliver volunteers, shrugging off his hoodie and slinging it over one shoulder so Freddie can mark his flak jacket with the Elder Sign. "Oh and, uh, you think you can, like, do a tattoo? 'cause it would be pretty frickin' bad*** to have the eye on my fist so I can punch cthulhu right intha face."
    Serph does this and nothing else.
    Last edited by Asha'man; 2012-06-17 at 08:44 AM.
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  21. - Top - End - #531
    Ettin in the Playground

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    smile Re: [Nexus] Inside 45

    Quote Originally Posted by OrchestraHc View Post
    Red Zone - Alley

    "Alright, so can I drop you off with your friend Tirin first? Where did you first find the bottle?" He stops himself, he really should limit his questions or she's going to run out of paper
    Meli seems to have very little worry about running out. Nodding, the chimeric Elf writes a response.

    "I am not sure where Tirin is, but I can try to find him! The bottle was in an alley by a building with 'Abdal-Ha Street 4' on it. That way."

    Trying to be helpful, Meli points in the direction the Genie had come from, the movement of the cloak revealing lion paws where the Elf's feet should be.
    The building name appears to be from the building's homeworld, following it as it fell into the Nexus.

    ((Tirin belongs to C'nor, should I poke to see if Tirin's location would be easy to find? ))

    Quote Originally Posted by Kid Kris View Post
    [Near Trogs]

    "Me neither, to be frank."
    Says Mister Marble, having finished his evidence gathering and turning to talk to Friend.
    "At least, not with a murder as elaborate as this. Most kills I've seen have been fairly obvious - muggings, duels, harvesting for zombie parts, the like."
    Mister Marble frowns.
    The antimagic Fae seems a bit taken aback by the indication that simpler murders were common, but shakes it off rather quickly.

    "An unfortunate event, but effort shall be done either way. Dost the coin show any symbol of origin?"

    Having no knowledge of genetics, Friend begins stepping towards the clues. Oblivious to any contamination this could cause.
    Treasured Quotes

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    Quote Originally Posted by SiuiS View Post

    At first, it was the smiley faces and the mannerisms. Then, it was the infernal magpie. It struck a chord. A cutely fiendish, macabre chord.

    An then I saw Keveak in the sorting hat and you are just the cutest thing when you want to be. My gosh look at that. It's squee-inducing.

  22. - Top - End - #532
    Troll in the Playground
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    Default Re: [Nexus] Inside 45

    Murder Scene

    Quote Originally Posted by Keveak View Post
    Friend sighs, both sad and annoyed with the fact. Murder was quite low on the former Faerie's list of approval.

    "My thanks."

    Friend replies politely, if not very happily. Turning toward Mr. Marble and the crime scene, the ex-Fae's yellow eyes avoid the body.

    "Is there indication of who or wherefore this was done? I wish to lend what assistance I doth have to give, but I am no Master in Examination of a Murder."
    Quote Originally Posted by Kid Kris View Post
    [Near Trogs]

    "Me neither, to be frank."
    Says Mister Marble, having finished his evidence gathering and turning to talk to Friend.
    "At least, not with a murder as elaborate as this. Most kills I've seen have been fairly obvious - muggings, duels, harvesting for zombie parts, the like."
    Mister Marble frowns.

    "It's artistry is what is important," Elias says with an instinctive understanding of the way a sociopath thinks. "The tableu is a message, and if we learn to decipher it, we'll know who wrote it." He turns back to look it over again, trying to memorize every detail. He wishes it could be preserved forever, and wants to rage at the philistines who will come along later and take down the body to give it a "proper burial". As if that would be showing more respect to the dead than the killer had shown in creating this.
    Last edited by happyturtle; 2012-06-17 at 10:24 AM.
    My avatar! Isn't it just utterly diabolical? Ashen Lilies made it!

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  23. - Top - End - #533
    Bugbear in the Playground
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    Default Re: [Nexus] Inside 45

    Quote Originally Posted by Murkus View Post
    Divebomb is pinned! She's quite the strong individual, so Vierzt might not be able to hold her for long. Her mouth - the only visible facial feature - twists in a grimace of fear and rage. The rocket panels on her limbs flare angrily, scorching the grass, preparing to launch.
    Vierzt manages to keep her pinned, at least until the engines come on.

    Then they're flying!
    This is the thief who likes to hoard,
    That loves the bard with the puppet Lord
    That admires the fighter with the green-hilted sword,
    That employs the Wizard, whose bird is ignored,
    That has the gender unexplored
    That intrigues the Halfling, usually bored,
    That slew a mountain of the goblin horde,
    That follows the cleric,
    That serves the lich,
    That seeks the gate,
    That guards the snarl,
    That lives in the prison the gods built.

    guess what I was gone but now I'm back

  24. - Top - End - #534
    Ogre in the Playground
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    Default Re: [Nexus] Inside 45

    Murder Scene

    The coin isn't unusual in many ways except that one side has what appears to be a wagon wheel, and the other has a pentagram imprinted on it. Other than that, it's merely just another of likely thousands of different mints that roam the city. Anyone could have placed it there.

    As Elias watches, the stake creaks a bit before tilting downward every so slightly, resettling into the puncture it made in the wall. The movement is just enough to shift the body down a fraction of an inch. If anyone pays close attention, they'll see the corner of a small card behind Moff's head, stuck to the wall behind him.

  25. - Top - End - #535
    Ogre in the Playground
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    In hiding. Always hiding.

    Default Re: [Nexus] Inside 45

    Quote Originally Posted by Chaotic Bob View Post
    Incredible tricks may be a slight exaggeration, but she certainly knows what she's doing.
    No weird super-twirly jump spin things though. At least, that she's been showing off.

    She also doesn't drive Arel painfully into any walls during these lessons!
    Why would she do that? She wouldn't!

    Bobbie is, however, incredibly determined to make sure that both of them can do basic laps around the rink. Upgrade from "slow turning" to "workable turning". Then she'll be satisfied.
    "Aaaaand there you go! The easy peasy lessons on Not Falling on Your Butt or Face. By Bobbie.
    Any more questions, Reiny? Arel?"
    Ice Rink

    "Where did you learn to skate?" Reinholdt asks her, curious.
    Quote Originally Posted by Lord Magtok View Post
    Gods, Reinholdt was right, a hundred percent right.
    Quote Originally Posted by Supagoof View Post
    Tale as old as thread
    And you find yourself dead
    Reinholdt was the Beast
    Quote Originally Posted by Philistine View Post
    Reinholdt had already told the truth once in that post, and therefore was over his annual quota.

  26. - Top - End - #536
    Bugbear in the Playground
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    Default Re: [Nexus] Inside 45

    Quote Originally Posted by happyturtle View Post

    When Hekta awakes, she'll find a few muffins by the bed, with a note. "Sneak out the window and don't let Master Dahl see you."

    As the young demon wakes up she first yawns tiredly but the smell of the muffins quickly gets her awake. Wild with hunger she quickly eats the muffins before taking a look at the note.

    She frowns, her belly still feeling empty. Apparently she had to find her own breakfast.

    Turning invisible again she sneaks out the window to find something to eat.

  27. - Top - End - #537
    Orc in the Playground
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    Default Re: [Nexus] Inside 45

    EIAC- Clerics of Dalachrech

    "Marge, what's your address? We need to know if we're to invite you, see." Destur says after the kiss.
    "Oi, it's my wedding too. Don't I get a say in who comes?" Jorje smiles despite his words, and doesn't sound too upset.
    "So the person who finally got you to propose doesn't get an invite? Maybe I'll change my mind." From the way Destur says it, it's quite clear this sort of idle banter and meaningless threats are quite a large part of their relationship.
    "Of course she gets an invite. Next time, please ask me first, OK?" Jorje smiles.
    "I'm inviting my whole family, and there's nothing you can do to stop me. Most likely my grandparents, great-uncles, great-aunts and great grandfather won't come; they're a bit old-fashioned. But that's eight cousins, four sets of aunts and uncles and my parents, and maybe Great-Uncle Mortius." Gnomes, at least Destur's variety, are very clannish. And have very unusual names, too.
    "Of course, but I get to invite both my families- my biological family, and my spiritual family." Jorje smiles, trying to resist laughing.
    "Spiritual family? You mean, the entire clergy of Dalachrech? Why on Nexus would I not let you invite them?" Destur frowns, but smiles too.
    Terrowin Avatar by HappyTurtle. Much thanks!

  28. - Top - End - #538
    Halfling in the Playground
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    Default Re: [Nexus] Inside 45

    Quote Originally Posted by Dark Elf Bard View Post
    Vierzt manages to keep her pinned, at least until the engines come on.

    Then they're flying!
    They shoot up into the air, spinning and smoking and firing thrusters. Divebomb twists free, falling away from the drow with a graceful twirl. There's a brief moment of freedom before Divebomb realigns, thrusters shooting her forward to intercept Vierzt midflight. Should this air-tackle be successful, bones will likely be broken, and the pair of them will arc down into the forest below.

    Quote Originally Posted by Mindfreak View Post
    EIAC Dave will just walk to the place of surgery then with the nice man! And no, Umbrella wouldn't be bad evidence. I doubt many people know it came from Umbrella in the first place. After all, it's not like people were screaming from the rooftops that stuff happened at Umbrella.
    Streets --> Sleeping Goblin Rainbow will allow Bellan to take her duffel bag, a small smile on her face. From there she will follow him to the Sleeping Goblin, hiding a little behind him to hide from everyone's sight.
    DMC "So um...can you help me get to a workspace?" At least I think Mia said something about workspaces >.<
    Dave will be lead into a small, dimly lit room with several rows of comfortable chairs. Below, Dave's friend and her machines are being set up. Once everything's in place, a surgical arm fitted with various cutting tools descends toward her skull.

    "You, uh, sure you wanna watch this Doc?" Dexter says, averting his gaze.

    Quote Originally Posted by Zefir View Post
    EIAC - Offices

    ((Not sure if that was on prupose with speaking in future and then in past. If not PM me and I can change things.))

    Also wouldn't Umbrella be a bad evidence? You know Zombie apocalypse.^^
    Andy looks at Naitiri again. KNow with a defensive expression. Was she about to mean him? Actually his arm looks like a normal one and only a bunch of people know it better. The only obviouse thing is his eye and sadly that couldn't be fixed without him dying.

    "That sounds strange. If I understand you right your wanting him to join, but then actually he works for you. Is there anything you want to tell me? And please be direct. I'm not very good in guessing from hints."
    "You work for us, we give you a real arm. Flesh and bone. That is, if you're interested," says Naitiri, smiling curtly.

    Quote Originally Posted by Earl of Purple View Post
    EIAC- Clerics of Dalachrech

    "Marge, what's your address? We need to know if we're to invite you, see." Destur says after the kiss.
    "Oi, it's my wedding too. Don't I get a say in who comes?" Jorje smiles despite his words, and doesn't sound too upset.
    "So the person who finally got you to propose doesn't get an invite? Maybe I'll change my mind." From the way Destur says it, it's quite clear this sort of idle banter and meaningless threats are quite a large part of their relationship.
    "Of course she gets an invite. Next time, please ask me first, OK?" Jorje smiles.
    "I'm inviting my whole family, and there's nothing you can do to stop me. Most likely my grandparents, great-uncles, great-aunts and great grandfather won't come; they're a bit old-fashioned. But that's eight cousins, four sets of aunts and uncles and my parents, and maybe Great-Uncle Mortius." Gnomes, at least Destur's variety, are very clannish. And have very unusual names, too.
    "Of course, but I get to invite both my families- my biological family, and my spiritual family." Jorje smiles, trying to resist laughing.
    "Spiritual family? You mean, the entire clergy of Dalachrech? Why on Nexus would I not let you invite them?" Destur frowns, but smiles too.
    At first, Marge merely seems surprised by the offer. She breaks down into a little fit of laughter and mild weeping at the pair's verbal prodding. Wiping her glistening eyes, Marge smiles and says, "Oh, honeys, I couldn't possibly. I've got absolutely nothing to wear..." She was practically homeless not too long ago. Of course, despite her words, Marge sounds ecstatic. She'll just have to use that new paycheck she's got.
    My avatar was done by Gullara. Thanks again!

    "If you meet a spirit walking,
    Incline your head.
    Do not meet their gaze.
    Do not follow after."

    -Things Our Mothers Tell Us

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  29. - Top - End - #539
    Barbarian in the Playground
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    Default Re: [Nexus] Inside 45

    EIAC - Operation! Dave nods. "Well yeah. Because if anything goes wrong...I need to know. Plus, I've seen worse." Done worse too.
    Mindfreak by...I don't quite know who
    Nexus Characters | Pokemon RPG Rules
    Busy with Life

  30. - Top - End - #540
    Ogre in the Playground
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    Default Re: [Nexus] Inside 45

    Quote Originally Posted by Reinholdt View Post
    Ice Rink

    "Where did you learn to skate?" Reinholdt asks her, curious.
    [Ice Rink]

    "No questions for me." Arel says. She just listens in for the time being.

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