Quote Originally Posted by The Rose Dragon View Post
If you are no longer human, you can no longer sustain an Exaltation. Green Sun Princes who become proto-titanic-Exalts are still human (though very powerful ones).
This has been debated a lot on the White Wolf forums, and the only thing I can figure is that the word "human" in the statement "You must be human to be an Exalt" is essentially meaningless.

A Lunar can be a fox who is also an Exalt. Or she can be a demon who is also an Exalt. Infernals can be giant living sandstorms who are also Exalts. Alchemicals are never human, who are also Exalts. Solars can use a medicine charm to strap on enough mutations to be a giant spider-crab-dragon and still be an Exalt.

That ship has sailed. When Infernals are immortal, cosmically powerful beings that have absolutely no trait in common with a human, then they aren't human. And they're still allowed to be an Exalt.