I was counting on elementals not being able to actually read any writing--wouldn't want to have poor Stony get his head blown off by an explosive rune, would I?

Jorden waves his hand to prestidigitate away the sickly stench of the rotting bodies and looks queasily down through the grating at the slab. "Well, something tells me this is more than just an execution. I thought that dwarf we found had just annoyed a powerful drow, but now I'm guessing it's a religious sacrifice of some sort. And a pretty Host-damned dark one, to boot." Too low for any of the others to hear, Jorden adds under his breath, "Hope they don't require the stereotypical virgin sacrifices, seeing as I was too busy for the cute gnomes at Morgrave."

Jorden stands, rubbing his hands together. "Sooo, anyone want to do anything about this--I'm looking at you, Mr. Inquisitor--or are we going to keep going?"