Quote Originally Posted by SurlySeraph View Post
@Xefas: Yeah, I tend to knee-jerk dislike anything where the rules are mostly about what happens on a story level. Crunch is fun for me, so long as it allows for a pretty wide variety of viable builds and isn't too complicated. I can certainly see that approach working for a lot of groups, but it's not what I'd like to play.
Yeah. I said the same thing (typically in a louder and more vulgar fashion - as is my nature), up until the point where someone I respected finally sat me down and forced me to play Burning Wheel with an open mind.

That's not really possible over the internet, though. I guess the best I can do is to suggest learning about game design. Not just particular mechanics, like cards vs dice, or dicepools vs die + modifier, or DC bellcurves. But the behavioral engineering type of game design. Start thinking about "What behavior does X mechanic in [my favorite system] reinforce?" and it might surprise you.