Round 6
Deklin moves to attack G7. (crit for 13 damage and unconscious)
Aramil jumps back on the wagon
Lady Elizabeth
Emalus casts lesser vigor on a wagoner from a scroll.

G1 withdraws and runs away.
G2 --
G3 withdraws and runs away.
G4 xx
G5 xx
G6 xx
G7 xx
G8 xx
G9 xx
G10 xx
G11 --
G12 --
G13 xx
G14 --

The gnolls appear to be retreating, and Hunter is urging everyone to move on. The 2 front wheels of the wagon are stuck in the mud, and one of the horses has a broken leg. The other horse has an arrow wound, and is trotting away. The wagon that was in front of you is now out of sight, and the Athlan cavalryman has gone after it. The unconscious cavalryman is still secured to his horse, it is unclear whether or not he is stable. Both wagoners are unconscious. One has just been stabilized by Emalus.