SiuiS, I'll dig through that mountain in a few minutes here. However to answer your question, yes I'll be available. The way this turn based game works, sometimes turns can be upwards of twenty five minutes waiting on a single player to finish (usually Hiver).

Quote Originally Posted by Beeskee View Post
Beeskee *thbbbts* at the other pony. "I'm not a pervert! Unless your cutie mark is something really weird. I bet you say something awesome and just don't want to admit it, but I'll let some other pony get hit."
"Well, I wouldn't actually hit you... I really don't have it in me to hit anypony. But still!" She glances around nervously. "D-Don't want anypony to get the wrong idea that I'm violent or anything..."

Quote Originally Posted by Beeskee View Post
[It just needs a name. "Poking Ponies for ___ and Profit!"

'Fun and Profit' fits but isn't alliterative enough. I don't want to go with 'Pleasure and Profit' because SOMEPONY already thinks I'm a pervert.

*thbbbts* at Titanium Fox again.

Unless it went all out, in which case: "Perverted Poking of Ponies for Pleasure and Profit"
Hey, you know I was joking, right? XP