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    Bugbear in the Playground
    Titanium Fox's Avatar

    Join Date
    Oct 2010
    Fillydelphia, Equestria

    Default Re: My Little Pony XXVI: Applebloom to Zecora!

    So, I'm working on my Applejack. Right now she's Rogue 7 - Lasher 4. I want to smash in some levels of Master Thrower, and have her throw Apples. If you were the DM for this campaign and I asked you if I could take Weapon Focus (Apple), how would you treat it? Would you make Apples do more than 1d2? Or would you just allow it by letter of the rule?

    ...Also, can anypony think of a more efficient way to reach +5 BaB that's still viable with either of these classes?

    Quote Originally Posted by Tectonic Robot View Post
    I'm allowed to disagree with people...

    Or am I going a little far, and am currently being belligerent? Sorry, sorry, I'll shuffle away, and comment on some other thing...

    Also! That shirt is amazing!
    "You get back here!" Jade runs up to the shuffling away tonberrian and glomps her.

    Quote Originally Posted by Thanqol View Post
    We didn't, that a 4chan meme.
    Awww. I was hoping we created something big enough that it ended up on a shirt. That would have been kind of amazing.
    Last edited by Titanium Fox; 2011-10-10 at 09:30 PM.
    Avatar by DirtyTabs in the Adopt-A-Pony thread.

    Thank you all so much for voting!
    Co-Winner of Rainbow Dash in the Playground!
    Quote Originally Posted by TheAmishPirate View Post
    For your dedication to ponies and giving us all entertainment with your quote tree o' doom, I hereby award you the Louisianan Purchase. How can I do that? Long story short, let's just say I picked a doozy of a poker game to go "all in".