Just because I can see how easily the post about a guy asking about becoming a waiter can be dragged off topic, I thought id jump the gun and add this topic to try and avoid it. Post any funny stories or stories that let you complain about rude nasty or stupid people you had to take care of.

Now, im a busboy, so this was more second hand outrage than personal. I watched two little old ladies walk into the restaurant. They insisted on being sat in a big booth. They didnt want a table, or a small two person booth, they wanted a family sized booth. Ok, whatever. They then proceeded to sit there and order coffee. And stay in that spot talking for the next 8 hours straight. (no exaggeration, we kept track) All through the end of the lunch rush well into the dinner rush. They never ordered a bite to eat, didnt have anything but a few cups of coffee, took up a booth all day long that should be used to sit 6 person groups, and then left a 2 dollar tip.

People, waiters dont get paid any real money, they only pay the bills by tips. They can only get tips if people eat and leave so more people can be sat there. Hogging a big booth for no reason all day long, not even ordering a meal, and then leaving next to nothing for a tip is so far beyond rude that I cant believe it didnt even occur to them. You know what? My grandmother gets together with her equally old friends and drinks coffee all day too. The thing is, she does it at one of their houses. A restaurant is NOT a place to spend all day hanging out, unless you intend to order something. It may seem that way from watching seinfeld, but it really isnt. On a day like that one, that server would have expected to bring in 10-20x as much money in tips from that table in that time frame.