Not tiredness exactly, more along the lines of that any movement sends bands of heated pain running up and down my right leg, but most especially my thigh and hip.
Stupid walking to hand in essays.
Told you doods that essays caused physical pain.

Also: things!
New ones!
Like our Serpy darling has an IRL interview today.
She is so excite.

no one here can handle their liquor.
At all.
I outdrank everybody.
And pinched some people's drinks (okay, Thufir and like, what, half a pint?
(He says: um, I hadn't eaten) when they couldn't finish.
Even though out of all of us only Math Friend (who absolutely adores Serpy darling and Thufir on account of them actually associating with me for a long period of time and not going completely utterly insane and trying to angrily homicide multiple people) had eaten dinner.
Fortunately we did eat later.
And Serpy darling got to taste a tasty proper kebab.
Turns out in the land of the All Powerful Wizard(!) their kebabs are like wraps. Unlike actual wraps. Also crisps are called chips even though chips are called chips. Confused. Yes. They also have fries like what you get from MaccyDs.

There may also have been a tipsy conversation with the random DPhil Physics Dood Who Does NanoCrystals and Lazors. Well, it started off with the two girls wondering what his book was all about (lazors) and by the time we were actually booted from the pub (The Royal Oak - can't believe Math Friend didn't know why it were called that) it had turned to eating spiders.
And then there was another shorter, conversation with Two Physics Doods about the benefits of male urination compared to female urination.
Better than it sounds.
This was before the kebab van.
But after the kebab van was the Nu!Trek film. And I turned into a really really really big Trekkie pointing out comparisons and shout outs to the original series.
Which totally exists Archie.
Besides, most of the shout outs and references were to the films.

I think I've lost track of the original intent behind the post, but let it be known that last night was a fun night involving six or so different pubs and lots and lots of meandering chatter.
And quite possibly flirting.
And, and sinfully good back massages.
Everyone: get a massage from our wonderful Serpy darling if you have the chance. Wonderful. I melted.
And all it cost was a drink.
I bought her so many drinks last night.
And we chilled to some kind of Irish music being practised by some doods and chicks in The Gardener's Arms. I think it was there. It's not exactly a blur, but I didn't really pay all that much attention to the name of the pubs, so all I can say is that it was the second to last pub we visited.
Meaning it so was The Gardener's Arms.

Serpy is "Oh my Goood. OhmyGod ohmyGod.
"But I are.
"Oh, does terrified count as so excite?
"Then I am so excite."