Quote Originally Posted by Trazoi View Post
And this is the werewolf academy, the place where presumably the best are being trained to be the top werewolves in society. It's hard to say because Mookie put no thought into this whatsoever. All he did was take New England and fill it with naked werewolves (newspost).

As for Milov, in Shadow of Siegfried he went on a rampage that had him attempt to murder Jayden. Then he told everyone in the kingdom and allowed his cousin to attempt to murder Jayden. Then he exiled her and blew up her church.

Now this is Fantasy New England, he's a total monster. But the comic keeps on saying it's all Jayden's fault because she's a cheating harlot. No wait, turns out it's all Siggy again. Curse you Siggy, it's all your fault.

Well at least Milov only tries to murder Jayden instead of being a nasty cat-calling jock.
Im pretty sure what happened to illusionary jayden was an accident, someone approached him from behind in mid rage, he turned and swung and went "OHSHI-!" And jayden was the one who "just let" the runt attack her, milov wasnt even there when it happened. As far as telling everyone what jayden did, meh, at least we finally have a political leader that ISNT obsessed with covering up his personal scandal events.