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    Orc in the Playground
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    Aug 2009

    Default Re: Dominic Deegan: Oracle for Hire, Mk. XLIV: Stunt Bro and Hella Jayden

    Quote Originally Posted by random11 View Post
    And who was it here that said just a few strips ago that he likes Katya's looks on Jayden because they express emotions in a subtle way without words?
    Looks like Mookie fixed that for you.
    That would be me...anybody have a fork and knife? I've got some words that need eating.

    Quote Originally Posted by random11 View Post
    How is Lunar divination supposed to help, and why is it risky?
    How should we know? It's not like any element of divination was ever explained.
    How it's supposed to help against an Archmage who *should* have protections against this kind of thing, I have no idea. Maybe we'll see some fancy "DnD" type of thing where they don't actually try to scry Masutel, but only the places where he's supposedly been evildoing for the last few years?

    The risky part is actually the most obvious to me: they're attempting to scry on an Archmage. To reiterate, they're trying to use magic, relatively uncultivated magic, to spy on a master of the magical arts. Any archmage worth his weight in *dirt* should be able to backtrace a magical scry conducted on his/herself, barring strange rules about how magic works in this world. Or that somehow "lunar" divination is different enough to pass unnoticed, despite being a relatively unobscure form of magic (completely unlike sword-scrying, which is, naturally, completely different from the normal thing). Of course, here I use the word "ought" again, and we can all see the fatal flawed assumption.

    Quote Originally Posted by Trazoi View Post
    Instead we get:
    • Thursday's comic: "Get Nimmel's help for a lunar divination".
    • Friday's comic: "Get Nimmel's help for a lunar divination".
    • Today's comic: "Get Nimmel's help for a lunar divination".

    Mookie has a gift for spinning nothing as far as possible and then some.
    Normally this kind of thing doesn't bother me, but you're definately right, this could have been wrapped up a lot easier. Heck, we could have started today's comic with Nimmel and Milov about to perform the divination, and gotten some little dialogue to the effect of:

    Milov: "Are you sure you want to go through with this, Nimmel? Attempting to scry on an archmage is going to be dangerous"
    Nimmel: "I'm sure. You can count on me."
    Milov: "Then let's begin."

    3-4 panels, tops.
    Last edited by Voice of Reason; 2012-04-10 at 01:41 AM.
    Quote Originally Posted by Voice of Reason View Post
    So, where does he get the rapier from? I'm curious.
    Quote Originally Posted by The Giant View Post
    Elan owns two rapiers. His first rapier was stolen by Nale when he impersonated Elan. He got a second rapier from Julio Scoundrél as a gift. Then, he retrieved his original rapier when he defeated Nale and reclaimed all of his equipment.
