
The seconds tick by agonizingly slowly, but you are definitely gaining ground on the enemy adept. He dashes away through shadow, then does it again, but he simply cannot keep far enough away. The adept's frantic movements seems to indicate that he knows this and is not happy about it in the slightest. He pauses to coast with the current momentarily, bubbles escaping from his mouth one by one, then gathers himself once more, looks straight up, and vanishes in shadow, not reappearing beneath the water.


The Master of Autumn runs implacably after the adept underwater, slowly leaving you behind as you rush across the surface. His figure continually blurs as he ducks in and out of shadow, but the blur that is Four easily gains ground--er, water. One last burst and the adept vanishes from sight below the water, but you notice a blur ahead of you as the adept appears above the water. You can make out another clearing ahead, though you can't quite tell its boundaries; it's hard enough making out the outline of the tunnel opening when the only light is Four's underwater lantern, though you think you might see the barest flickering of a torch up ahead.

Soon enough, you arrive at the opening yourself, and find that you finally have enough headroom to stand upright once more. It's about damn time; above the water's surface, the tunnel was more cramped than a novice's quarters back at the Temple, and that's saying something!

Spring and Summer

The two of you dash through the twisting tunnels, taking whichever branches appear to keep you closest to the sound of rushing water. Branch after branch after branch after branch, the chaotic arrangement is starting to get on your nerves when, finally, you come to a tunnel that opens into a clearing instead of yet another gods-damned tunnel split. You see water rushing through the center, for some reason glowing with an inner light, which is the only illumination in the room aside from Abd's pillar of flame. The light grows brighter, then you see a moving globe of light come out of the river tunnel to more clearly illuminate the area. Suddenly, in a burst of inky tendrils of shadow, the adept you are chasing appears a foot or so above the river's shore, dripping wet and gasping for breath. He drops to the ground with a thud and looks about to make a run for it...before he notices the heat and light and looks up at the two of you.


Time seems to freeze as the adept takes instant stock of the situation, his eyes darting around frantically. Two adepts in front, one behind on the river, one behind under the river. No way to get past the ones on land, no chance of outrunning the river ones if he dives back in. No exit there, none over there, none back there, no--wait! Aha! That's, false alarm, no exit there. Sigh.

The adept tosses his weapon to the floor as he drops to his knees, and the weapon clatters in harmony with his metal greaves against the stone floor as he clasps his hands behind his head. "I...surrender unconditionally. I know when I'm beaten," he says with the utmost reluctance, hanging his head in shame at being caught.