Quote Originally Posted by Esprit15 View Post
"So what do you tend to specialize in anyways, as far as battle style? Should have probably gone over that before even mentioning 'mons, but I'll manage. I tend to favor...and... Picked up a few tricks from...as well." He pulls out a marker to highlight preferable courses of action if the unexpected happens. Knowing preferences and battle styles ahead would make the battle go as smoothly as possible, and could factor into deciding the next course of action. Shouldn't ask her to have her Pokémon tank a bit if she prefered a quick and evaisive strategy.
"I generally do hit-and-run tatics, strike and move away."

Quote Originally Posted by Milo v3 View Post
"... Sorry about that... Here is what I have (Proceedes to tell Tate my pokemon)....
Okay so how about this, don't use Houndoom, as its talents are redundant while supplemented with my own. Use move typing to our advantage using guys like Solrock who can use types that aren't his own, like fire and stuff. This will cause them to be uncertain about what we are using at first, giving us a slight advantage. I think I should be offensive as my strategy specializes in it."
"Ok fine. I'll start with my Solrock. But if he gets creamed by a Ghost, its your fault!"

Quote Originally Posted by IrnBruAddict View Post
Alana reaches into her purse, pulls on a rubber glove, then puts her hand in Wakes fist. She closes her eyes, expecting him to crush it. When he doesn't, she tries to look at his feet, so she can avoid eye contact.

'Umm, I'm good with the weather. So we can either start off with a Sunny day and your Magmortar, or a Rain Dance and ..... well pretty much your whole team. And... umm.. please don't laugh at my pokemon. I know some people think I'm stupid for bringing them, but I still love them.' Tears seem to be in her eyes at this point. Acting normal was very hard for her.
"Don't cry missie! You'll do fine. Rain Dance will supplement my team the most, though Magmortar can bring out Sunny Day if you like."

Quote Originally Posted by Darchias View Post
Jashi rubs his chin, idly cursing himself for shaving off his goatee. "Ok then, lead with Wheezing. We'll start off slow and defensive, hopefully he's packing some Haze to stop them from setting up on us. I'll start with Itsu here and we'll stack statuses." He shows his Pokedex, which had a picture of Itsu so Janine knew what he was using.
"Interesting tatic. You must have beaten my father to know our tatics so well"

Quote Originally Posted by BluesEclipse View Post
Aidan looks at Norman for a moment, and says, "And I didn't mean anything against you... I just prefer to rely solely on my own skill, and the Pokemon that I've trained." Closing his eyes for a moment, Aidan continues, "'A man that seeks greatness must find his own path, and walk on his own two feet.' I was told that long ago, and got this far because of it. I'm sure you're capable... I'm just not really accustomed to working with anyone."

Shaking his head, he opens his eyes and looks back at Norman, saying, "Well, it doesn't matter. We do what we must, after all. As it is... I haven't had much of a chance yet to look into my competition, though I'll be doing so before too long - I want to see who I'm facing before I spend too much time researching. So for now, we should just see about putting together general tactics." With that, he begins discussing the tactics available with the various Pokemon combinations.
"We will work on the teamwork together. Trust me." He flashes a soothing smile.

Quote Originally Posted by Haika View Post
"Hmm, guess that makes sense. My team is pretty varied." Emi fiddles with the hem of her ruffled pink one-piece dress as she skips around the room. "Did you have a plan for the battle?" Swinging her brightly dyed-green hair braids around her, Emilita pokes her head out of the door, curiously listening to the muffled sound of an alarm of some sort nearby.
"I'm here to help you. I'll take your lead. I'm here to assist you, not carry you."

Quote Originally Posted by GFawkes View Post
"Huh, so if we couple your Golurk with him, maybe put Bisharp with...that could work if we have Gengar go...and if his Ability...." Daniel says, going off on several mental tangents at the same time.

"OK, so lead with either Gengar, Misdrevous, or Chandelure. And then we'll be able to..." Daniel begins, going into a complex plan with several forks in it for "what if" scenarios, using his hands to animate his speech.
Morty stares at you blankly while you go off on numerous tangents. "Slow down. One strategy at a time. Which would you like me to lead with first?"

Quote Originally Posted by Zdude View Post
Steven decided to just chill in his room. He had been paired up with some nobody that looked kind of goofy.

He smiled at his partner. "Who are you?"

Initial Roll: [roll0]

"I'm the great Chuck! I'm the strongest fighting trainer ever! How have you not heard of me?"

His mon are Poliwrath, Breloom, Lucario, Heracross, Jolteon, Scrafty. You came in a bit too late to do proper RP to find out.

Quote Originally Posted by Arcran View Post
"Oak? Yeah, I beat him once upon a time. It was a good battle too," he says with a smile.

"Your team is obviously geared towards offence. What kind of coverages do your guys have? Moves, Abilities, items. The more I know, the more I can help," he says, actually sounding interested now. "Can any of your Pokemon heal themselves?"
Blue smirks and starts to list of thier movesets and abilities.
Expect a PM with details in a bit.

For Everybody:
Your Joy grabs all of your attentions. We have the matchings for round 1! A large bracket shows up on a screen that hadn't been on the wall before. The bracket is just for show, you'll be randomized after every round. There you can see all the competitors, their partners and who they are matched against.

Timmy/Roxanne vs Arcran/Blue
Joey/Whitney vs Haika/Drayden
May/Roark vs Es/Elesa
Brady/Misty vs. Irn/Wake
Tim/Jasmine vs.Blues/Norman
Sam/Pyrce vs Zdude/Chuck
Igor /Fantina vs Darchias/Janine
Ross/Clay vs Gfwakes/Morty
Rachel/Bugsy vs Milo/tate
Dullahan/Claire vs Moranica/Wattson
This is not the order of the matches by the way. Sorry for not using IC names, never bothered to look at them. I find this easier.

@Arcran: And it seems your the first match of the Tournament Steven! A door opens up leading you and Blue down a long corridor. It takes at least 10 minutes to walk its length giving the 2 of you plenty of time to strategize. Eventually a bright light is seen at the end of corridor, revealing a humongous stadium filled with roaring fans. There is an open field with a metal covering, where the arena will appear from. The announcer's voice booms through the stands.

Welcome to the Mew Arena folks! Go here for your match.