Quote Originally Posted by Malachei View Post
In order to improve rule 54A, I'd like to better understand the issues to rephrase it. I'm particularly looking at shadows, figments and glamers, of course so would limiting it to make the rule acceptable to you?
The biggest problem is that the phrasing implies that non-phantasms would be automatically saves against. This is an issue, because there are non-phantasm illusions that are still mind-effecting (patterns, mostly) and thus could sensibly affect the caster as normal. Furthermore, this is supposed to be a "rulebook" designed to clear up confusion over rules; a rule which is only causes more confusion isn't likely that helpful.

The rest are minor complaints. If you change the phrasing from 'phantasms' to 'mind-effecting illusions' then you're left with rule 38C exactly, which makes me wonder why both with rule 54A. And the title, while a silly comment, definitely should be changed to something more fitting to what the rule actually does.