The captive adept opens his mouth as if to argue with Torog regarding purity and effectiveness of martial styles...but then closes it, looking disgruntled. Even this less-than-perceptive adept has been threatened with death enough times to finally learn the wisdom of silence. Tonelessly, he answers Four, "Patrols are usually sent out every three hours or so if the Masters are expecting trouble, every six hours or so otherwise. Since the Master of Noon didn't return by the appointed time, they're probably doing them every three hours now." He looks around at you all and shrugs. "Look, I have to agree, I never got your name actually," he says, motioning at Abd. "The Desert Wind master, I mean. I have to agree with him. You're all wounded, the patrol would just be made of initiates or adepts who wouldn't be very useful to you, and I'm not about to help you fight the Unconquered Sun Temple. Maybe later, if you convince me your Masters have the right philosophy and approach, but not now."

He pauses, then admits ruefully, "Also, if any of them saw me with you, they'd assume I sold them out--which I did--and would try to kill me first--and they have every right to--or at least have the Grandmasters send some assassins after me. And I didn't surrender to you people just to die to them, so I'd really rather you didn't try to fight them right about now. Unless you want to leave me somewhere under guard and go fight them yourselves. Heh. Like that would ever happen."

Adept al-Wazra glares at the enemy adept, but not as fiercely as she had before. "Much as it pains me to admit it, Masters, I am forced to agree with the captive. We are in no position to fight, the Master of Spring and I least of all, and we have little to gain here. The Grandmasters' orders were clear: find the Unconquered Sun party and stop it from returning to their Temple. We have done so." The words are spoken grudgingly: as hotheaded as she is, al-Wazra never likes to go against the wishes of her Masters, even implicitly. She bows her head in submission, then steps back to let you all make a final decision among yourselves.