The captive adept lets out a breath he didn't realize he was holding and gladly leads the four of you back through the twisting, winding tunnels to the encampment where you first encountered the Unconquered Sun force. Along the way, your group stops a few times to cover signs of your passage, and once you reach the encampment you take all of the remaining Unconquered Sun gear both to cover your tracks and in the hopes that some of it might prove useful. Despite the stops, though, with the captive adept to guide you back to the clearing and al-Wazra to guide you back out of the mountains, you make excellent time.

It has been roughly three and a half days since you first set out on your journey, and having spent three of those days underground with very little light all among you except Four squint and shade your eyes against the piercing light of the noon-day sun when you emerge from the darkness; the warforged's eyes, of course, automagically adjust to admit a comfortable amount of light. The captive adept starts complaining about having a headache within a few minutes of your emergence, which is understandable (if very irritating) given that he has gone a week or more without seeing the sun. His whining subsides eventually, and the rest of the half-day walk back to the Temple is completed in relative silence.

You come across a sentry when you are within ten minutes of the Temple's outer wall, and she immediately races off to inform the Grandmasters of your successful return. Thanks to that sentry, every single inhabitant of the Temple is turned out to welcome you home when you reach the gates. Grandmaster Sovornost calls for order over the cheers of adulation and tells the assembly that you are all tired and hungry, but that there will be a feast in your honor tonight once you have been debriefed and are recovered from the ordeal. You are ushered inside past the ranks of well-wishers to a small room where the temple laborers have hastily brought out good food and drink for you--they know how tiresome field rations can be after a few days--and while your parched throats are satisfied Grandmaster Sapier says some blessings over all of you to cleanse and heal your wounds.

Well, not all of you. When he comes to the captive adept, he pauses for a closer inspection. In the chaos of the celebration, no one really noticed that the adept wears the slightly-different uniform of the Unconquered Sun; they most likely assumed he was one of the original members of al-Wazra's contingent, rescued from captivity. "Well, well, well...what have we here?" the Grandmaster of Unity asks in his grandfatherly baritone. His manner is warm and friendly, his grasp on the adept's shoulder is light and gentle, and his smile appears genuine, setting the captive adept at ease...yet the illumian sigils hovering around his brow have darkened from their customary golden-orange to a light crimson and have started to rotate faster, signifying suspicion and slight anger.

Your Temple's Grandmasters wear the same sort of uniforms as the rest of the adepts, everyone's rank being given only by variations in the Temple emblem on said uniforms; as far as the captive adept is concerned, this man is just some random Temple healer, which is probably why he's allowed an enemy Grandmaster's hands so close to his throat. Grandmaster Sapier turns to the rest of you as Grandmasters Tsikul and Sovornost file into the room, so the captive adept doesn't see the coldness in his eyes. "I see you've picked up a new friend. I, for one, would love to hear all about your journey. I think a good, long, detailed story is in order."