Quote Originally Posted by SiuiS View Post
Ach. You were impossible to find @.@
I even resorted. To going up to people and asking about their screen names.
I was roaming around, and spent most of day 2 watching the panels. Had my "Free as a butterfly" shirt on, made by fellow MMO-Championers, and somewhat famous pony artist Valcron. I wrote Pendulous on my badge, just in case, so it was probably just some really bad luck.

On de Lancie, I still think it's odd. He's giving so much praise to people he admits he doesn't know. I'm all for the documentary, but he just felt very presumptuous.

Speaking of, here's his panel for those who haven't seen.

I don't know if I mentioned, but the audio quality on that video is what it sounded like the whole time there. It was terrible. I've been to a concert before where I couldn't even hear the singer because of the audio (and was confirmed when I saw a video on Youtube of it). Really bad. Would have been much better if these awesome panels would have been easier to hear.