Panty and Stocking
Both of them seem to ignore the rapid dissolution of their clothing, in favor of more interesting activities around them. Both involving Sousuke Sagara.

Panty, for her part, starts grabbing at the suit grinning, Now now now I get the feeling you're not the smartest kid in school, so lets be simple here. I want you to have sex with me. Cool?

Stocking...Stocking's activities are even more straightforward. What was that!?

Watching the activities of the sisters could lead one to make a certain erroneous conclusion. Specifically, that Stocking was a reasonable individual. That was untrue- she was the reasonable sister. She is reasonable in comparison to Panty. However, compared to any thinking, rational creature she is deeply unreasonable. And, while the sisters contrast each other heavily, they react to annoyance largely the same way.

Murder and property damage.

Not that Sousuke was in any danger- both because angelic weaponry cannot harm mortals...and because her swords were dissolving before her eyes.

WHAT!? WHAT HAPPENED!? She looks up at the ceiling, I DIDN'T FALL! I DIDN'T, I SWEAR! Then she notices clothes dissolving around her.

Panty. What did you Sees Panty's...activities Or he do?

Sebastian begins attempting to string up the wolf- not hurting it, but trying to ensure it can't break out. It wouldn't do for him to have to break orders and snap its arms before Ms.Amane could question it.