Quote Originally Posted by Murkus View Post
The paint scheme is prominently police blue, with black detail and a bright white '876' on the chestplate. To the left of this 'nametag', there's three letters: ESA. Elexxion Security Agency, should the Centurion access some of the now unrestricted databanks open to him.

After being blinded by a cloud of paint for about 30 seconds, 876 is on the other side. He's in a new lab environment, with a clear row of modifications laid out. A tall, dark-haired fellow is standing here, checking over the mods. He's got a pair of headphones on, not that it matters.

"Care to sit? We'll get this over with," Dexter says, without looking up. "You're not gonna explode if I stick a magnet on you, will ya?"
Well, the paint scheme will take some getting used to, but the Centurion doesn't really seem to mind it. The opening of the databanks is what primarily interests it. 876 looks at Dexter, before quickly sitting down. The pulsing red eye tries to gather as much detail about the room as possible.

"Magnets will cause no permanent damage to the chassis nor the interior components. Request that magnets stay away from the head, however." While the silicon wafers it's brain is programmed on are obvious nonmagnetic, there are many ferrous metals in the cranium that could cause severe damaged if moved.