Quote Originally Posted by SiuiS View Post
Spirits, I wish I knew.

I think it's that everypony who wasn't a cultist just left.
I resent that. I'm not a cultist--I just supply them with weapons every now and again.

Quote Originally Posted by Tectonic Robot View Post
Well, I shall be... a farmer pony! HE SHALL RAISE WHEAT AND HIS NAME WILL BE... FRESH LOAF!

"...Oh. Um. Hi, everyone!"
The Bombmaker and the Breadmaker
Welcome to the neighborhood. Allow me to introduce myself! I am known as Dive Bomb, the Explosion Lord, or occasionally as "Hay You" by pursuing guards. This is my butler-***-bodyguard Blunt Trauma and my daughter Athena.

A pleasure.


And, seeing as you are new and we're certain to be great friends, let me give you some things to help you set up. First, we have this lovely certificate, good for a... large sum of bits at the First Bank of Canterlot. It should help you get set up, should you need it. The second item, or more correctly, items, is this sack of mini-grenukes. One, properly placed, could somewhat messily till a field, remove any troublesome rocks or trees, and they're certain to get rid of any angry timber wolves. Just be careful--they explode on impact, so don't drop them.