Well, I might just have to make an entry for this contest, despite previously deciding I'd skip it. Initially I'd considered trying to make a PRC that turned fire weapons into a source of fire that could burn and spread to anything, but figured it would be a bit tricky to balance and not that interesting. I'd also considered the possibility of a PRC focused on the decanter of endless water, and making it produce various fluids and substances as they needed them (like acid, fire, darkness, etc.) but while the idea is fun, I'm not sure I could fully flesh it out to make it work.
Then just recently I came up for an idea that would use a homebrew item also just come up with. That said, I'm not used to balancing items, so I'd request some feedback on the initial version of the item below.

Toymaker's Creation
The toymaker's creation appears to be a crystal ball held within an elegant frame and base. Looking inside one can see the ball is hollow and contains what seems to be a small model of scenery. The specific scene varies for each such item, but may be things like a meadow, village, cottage, forest, town, or city. In any event it is always crafted to a high degree of detail and contains various little flakes inside that can be made to move around by tilting or shaking the whole thing. They do however bear an enchantment, such that those touching them feel as if the world shifts in the same manner that they make the scenery within the ball shift. With focus this may be extended to others. The crystal ball may freely rotate within its frame and will settle facing upright if left alone. The maker was said to be a crafter of toys who went mad later in his life and produced dozens of them.
Abilities: A toymaker's creation has three charges. These regenerate at the start of each day and any not used from the previous day are lost. Using it requires at least one free hand.
0 charges: Tilting the toymaker's creation may be done without expending any charges and affects anyone touching it (including the one tilting it), whether they intended to make use of this ability or not. It may be tilted to 4 degrees, if using only one hand, roll a 1d4 to determine the degree it is tilted, if using two hands the tilter may select the degree. When tilted those touching it must make a balance check (see below for DC) or fall a certain number of feet (see below) in a direction chosen by the tilter when they first tilt the toymaker's creation and wind up prone. Treat them as falling 10 feet less than they did for determining fall damage. If the tilter is using two hands, they may keep it tilted for multiple rounds so long as they do not fail the balance check. As long as it remains tilted, any movement by those affected requires a balance check to avoid falling, though the DC is reduced by 10. Anyone who ceases contact with the toymaker's creation stops being affected by it at the start of their next turn.
{table=head]Degree|Balance DC|Fall Distance
1 Charge: One may spend a charge to cause the toymaker's creation to affect someone or something not contacting it. Doing so requires a spot check to line up the target when looking through the crystal ball (DC of spotting it normally + 15). The target counts as if contacting the toymakers creation until the start of the users next turn.
3 Charges: By spending 3 charges, the user can make everyone within 15' of them count as being in contact with the toymaker's creation.
