Quote Originally Posted by McDougal View Post
I have to go:
1: Aegis of the Legion (Huge defensive item, plus a bonus for your team, all for just 1920 gold)
2: Banshee's veil (Oh god, this thing can be an absolute nightmare if you're playing a burst mage)
3: Triforce (3 items in one, what's more efficient than that?)
1. Guardian Angel: If it weren't for this, Aegis would be up here. Everybody should more or less be building it. 750 HP, 68 Armor & 38 Magic Resist for 2600gp combined with the quirky interactions of the respawning, it's just ridiculous.
2. Phage: This item is so insanely good on so insanely many champions, it has superb stats for its cost (allowing skipping Doran's with a decent start if building this), it's easy to build and the slow is both, absolutely crucial and incredibly powerful on so many champs from kiters like Ezreal to champs who need to stick to the enemy like Shen.
3. Randuin's Omen: It does everything; health, armor, CDR, chasing slow, attack speed slow, slows people attacking you, builds out of a gold/10 item, etc. It's the other half to Phage for any chasing champ and it's half of what's keeping AD carries in check right now (kinda wanna list Frozen Heart too, especially since it's one of the few good mana items in the game and provides insane amounts of CDR, but Randuin is more applicable and the effect is stronger as is the passive).

Others that should be up there: Aegis of the Legion, Shurelya's Reverie, Frozen Heart, Unholy Grail, Zhonya's Hourglass, Abyssal Scepter, Trinity Force, The Bloodthirster, Phantom Dancer, Last Whisper, Quicksilver Sash, Ninja Tabi.