Quote Originally Posted by Godskook View Post
Eld, you're getting too concerned with the starting point. With ADCarries, that's not the biggest concern. The concern is their end-game, and if Jayce can leverage the overall combo better than other champions, it really doesn't matter that he's 'wasting stats'.

And costs an additional slot. Why do people forget that?
Well, the additional slot isn't that big of a deal if we're talking who uses SotD the best

Quote Originally Posted by sonofzeal View Post
Otherwise, looks great, but how might that change in Dominion / TT? Dominion, I think the global mana regen boost and general rapidity of deaths discourage getting tear, and the shorter game length makes charging it unlikely anyway, but the new changes to movement speed make starting Brutalizer a powerful option. I might get that GA or LW in between the two BCs there.
In Dom Urgot is generally played bot; people didn't use to get Manamunes but Muramana damage output is just so high it'd be a shame to not get it now. Remember, Muramana Urgot actually uses all his mana real fast due to the percentile burn so the extra mana regen comes in very handy. You can also start Tear and charge it for about 100 before Minion Spawn which is real nice.

I usually just go Muramana > BC and then get tanky stuff (Spirit Visage or Glacial to hit CDR cap and go from there). Of course, tanky stuff suffers from the rampant armor pen and shred so I'm not sure about the best way to go about itemizing it. And yes, Urgot is of course a very good Black Cleaver stacker.